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Everything posted by kbohme

  1. kbohme

    My new skin

    ok...I got fed up with trying to modify others skins.... so i made my own from scratch.... comments and suggestions would be welcome... www.pakakadventures.com
  2. outside the php but inside the list i found
  3. FIXED changed the code to this <?php if(!$allawards) { echo 'No awards yet'; } else { ?> <ul> <?php foreach($allawards as $award){ ?> <li><?php echo $award->name ?> <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?>
  4. ok tried it within its own php and got this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /****/*****/******/*****/lib/skins/3col/pilot_public_profile.tpl on line 60 I just cant seem to find the unexpected '<' anywhere.....
  5. it already sits inside the <?php .......... <?php foreach($allawards as $award) { /* To show the image: <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> */ ?> ......... I simply uncommented it, should i try it with its own <?php ?> surround ?
  6. well i can't find it ??? also I notice that the awards aren't listed unless the pilot is logged in...was this intentional (when a guest is viewing the public pilot info it doesn't list the awards ...just blank....until I log in and view the public pilot info, then it shows up.)
  7. Some more FYI I took the img code for the rank <img src="<?php echo $userinfo->rankimage?>" alt="" /> and put it in place of the award image code...and got the same error.... I am looking higher up for an extra < now....
  8. i get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /****/****/*****/****/lib/skins/****/pilot_public_profile.tpl on line 51 when i uncomment the <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> i have tried all i can think of to change the code....but alas, i apparently have not learned as much as i first thought.
  9. and me as well.... i just updated... www.pakakadventures.com (I FINALLY figured out how to build a skin from scratch )
  10. ok I think it has something to do with the ACARS live time in the local.config.php file I set it to 1 minute and the icon disapears, then when back at the defaut of 720 minutes it reapears again.... my question now is, if I set it to a minute does that mean that flights of 3 hours will disapear from the live map after a minute ?
  11. I eventually got FSACARS up and running, did a flight, and it filed a treat.... Now when i go to live map, there is still the icon for my plane saying that the FSACARS is closed. I have looked at other VA's live maps and dont see this. I am wondering if I have done something wrong, or if it is normal for the icon of a flight to stay up after FSACARS has been closed down. ( its been down for almost an hour now ) I know it may seem like a silly question, but I want to make sure I haven't screwed something up. Thanks in advance
  12. thats what i figured.... so then the next option.... If i setup a seperate database on the second server, could I modify the cfg files for FsPax and FSACARS to send the records to both databases at the same time ? or is it a send to one database only kinda thing ?
  13. Pakak Adventure Airlines - www.pakakadventures.com
  14. Hey, I was wondering if I change the FsPax cfg or the FACARS cfg can i send the pirep information to multiple databases at once ? Or is is possible to have one database on a server that can be accessed by websites on other servers ? I ask because i have two websites, on two different servers and would like to show information about pireps flown from my airline on my other website. since i am a css and php virgin I thought that i would ask here first. thanks
  15. I would rather see you spend the time on further integration with FsPax ( probably because I already have it )
  16. hey there....again, Just wondering if it is possible to auto accept memberships and pireps ? I often spend much time away from the computer and would like to be able to auto accept pireps and membership applications....I think just wondering if it is even possible ?
  17. Ok, after much work, and a very steep learning curve, and LOTS of help from y'all I have finally got a skin that I think i can work with. All thats left ot figure out is the CSS code that effects the headers when it comes to padding....and a couple of other things... BUT I wanted to thank everyone for all the help.. http://www.pakakadventures.com/vms the airline isn't running yet, but if y'all want to see what all your help has created, there it is. Keep in mind that it is still a work in progress....
  18. kbohme


    ok..... finally got it. by adding to the css: html, body { height 100% } then adding: position: relative; min-height: 100%; height: 100%; height: auto to the #body padding: 0 0 198px 0; to the #innerwrapper and position: absolute; bottom: 0; bottom: -1px; to the #footer. for anyone else having this problem. now when i resize my window the footer stays at the bottom unless there is alot of content, then it stays under the content. PHEW ! That took about two days to figure out....I know, but I am a CSS virgin found out how here : http://qrayg.com/learn/code/footerstick/
  19. kbohme


    there's a screeny. When I leave the template as is, i get that when there is little content. Notice how the footer div box has floated up to cover the nav. If there is lots of content then its not a problem, the footer just sets itself where it should at the bottom of the content. If I fix the footer div box at the bottom of the window then when there is alot of content it covers up the content ( by sitting at the bottom of the window ). I was just thinking.....could I add a div box to my pages that would force the footer below it ? Unfortunately, I knew nothing about CSS or div's before I started this thing...although I have learned alot, I still have much to go. Again, this is just a revamp of the crystalsidebar template that comes default with the phpvms system ( if you needed to see the way that the divs are setup. ) Presently for the content I am using only tables to get it where I want it.... I have done much research on the matter, and have found a few options using div boxes with negative margins....and have tried them, but to no avail. Perhaps I am putting them in the wrong spots.. I have not yet been able to fully understand the way that this template has been setup in terms of which divs mean what. any help would be GREATLY appreciated. as a review...I am looking for a way to force the footer div to sit at the bottom of the window...UNLESS there is alot of content. Then it would sit at the bottom of the content.
  20. kbohme


    hey, pulling my hair out trying to get the footer to stick to the bottom of the page when there is little content, and stay at the bottom of the content when there is lots.... I have pretty much modified the crystalsidebar template so am using the same CSS and div names.... I have tried every option that I could find on websites, but to no avail. any help would be greatly appreciated.... I am so fed up with it, i almost took my stapler to the screen to make it stay put !
  21. nope, no error. when i click the delete option, or double click the delete option, nothing happens.... the pages remain. I have tried it with the pages disabled and enabled, I have changed the cmod on everything I can think of... And I have done several forced updates... I can find the pages for manual delete in FTP, but have not yet found the list that shows up in the admin to delete those....as yet i have not deleted anything manually...
  22. I cannot seem to delete pages in the admin section.. Is there a manual way of doing it ?
  23. LOL well at least i had the right idea if not in the right place I am learning, thanks again for all your help guys, I think its great that y'all show so much patience with us noobs.
  24. hey, i agree, and that was the first thing that i tried. it did stop the error from happening on every single page, now its only in the admin section.... Line 95 is $fp = fopen($this->path.'/'.$this->filename, 'w'); and the CodonCondenser.class.php is 777 Also when I try to add anything....plane, aiport, anything, I loose the formatting and get nothing but black text on a white background....
  25. in the dashboard I get this error: Warning: fopen(*******//lib/js/jquery-admin.js) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in ******/core/classes/CodonCondenser.class.php on line 95 I think its the route of some problems like.... When I go to add airport the template disapears and all i get is unformatted text on a white background The add airport doesn't work at all actually... as well as a loading graphic that won't go away...
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