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Rev 780 - Rewrote auth system

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Rev 780 - Rewrote auth system27 October 2009, 7:00 pmRev 780 - nabeel (9 file(s) modified)Rewrote auth system~ /trunk/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/StatsData.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/modules/Login/Login.php~ /trunk/core/templates/frontpage_main.tpl~ /trunk/install/install.sql~ /trunk/install/update.sql~ /trunk/lib/rss/latestpilots.rssSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)

twice now I have tried updating to the lastest as recommended, and twice now I cant log in after updating.

what the hell am I doing wrong >?????????????????????

I now have to delete everything including the DB and start again using the base installation, this is really starting to suck!

  • Administrators

Can't login? Clear your cookies and the sessions table. Try that out.

There were big re-writes in this update so sessions could be tracked across both logged in and guest users.

It does seem to be working on the dev site. And there still is some debug text left in there.

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