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Hello Nabeel

Somewhere in the forum i was reading that you wanted to put all the airports in the dropdowns for filing a pirep.

Is this done or not because the error I am having (http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/32)

Won’t let me upload the schedules to vacentral.

And I think this error is because we did some charters using xacars flights that aren’t in the database(airports).

So if all the airports would be in the dropdown or so I could put them all in the database.

Gr joeri

  • Administrators

That's weird you're getting that error, that code's been ripped out from the API side.

You're still getting it?

That's a error from vaCentral, if I was missing information about an airport, I would send the list after someone has sent their schedules, seeing if any of those airports are there, and if they are, send the information back to vaCentral to fill in the missing data.

  • Moderators

acctualy i was a bid fast only this is poping up at the moment


did you make the changes on my site?

gr joeri

  • Administrators

Which API server are you pointing to in local.config? It's odd because that code doesn't exist on my API side.

Sorry, I haven't had time to look at this. This week is really busy, we have 2 product deployments and meetings and code reviews which I have to prep for, I probably won't get to it until the weekend :(

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hello Nabeel,

it is pointing to this server


gr joeri

no problem work comes in front you will get to it when you have time for it.

last beta runs smooth at the moment so now i can do some flightkeeper testing.

gr joeri

  • Administrators

Yeah, for FSFK, enter your FTP information (copy the lines from app.config into local.config). Just see if FSFK uploads images into that folder which you set up.

There's a commit going up, you can add these two lines in local.config

Config::Set('VACENTRAL_DEBUG_MODE', true);

And send me the core/logs/vacentral.txt file I'll see if I can debug from using that.

Also, get your vacentral parameters again from vacentral, they changed (though it will accept old format)

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here is what the vacentral log is putting up.

update_vainfo - 10:54:57 PM - 12/01/2009
   - no response from server
update_vainfo - 10:58:39 PM - 12/01/2009
   - no response from server
update_vainfo - 10:58:51 PM - 12/01/2009
   - no response from server
update_vainfo - 10:59:55 PM - 12/01/2009
   - no response from server
update_vainfo - 11:00:16 PM - 12/01/2009
   - no response from server
update_vainfo - 11:09:39 PM - 12/01/2009
   - no response from server

hope it helps u

also no pictures are appering

here are my local.config settings.

# FSFK Settings
// Your FTP Server, and path to the lib/images folder (from where the FTP connects from), IE
//	ftp://phpvms.net/phpvms/lib/fsfk
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp.tnt-virtual.be/lib/fsfk');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', 'my user name');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', 'my password');

gr joeri

  • Moderators

hey Nabeel

will test the api later on have to go to school with my daughter will be playing teacher . :o :o :o

For the fsfk getting an error after adding :// look at screen

gr joeri


  • Administrators

Yeah, I haven't implemented the pictures showing yet, but for that PIREP can you link me to it so I can see the log.

I was just verifying that the image upload worked

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