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Hi guys,

right now i am working on a script which will automatically output a real flightplan. It will look like the picture below and it will be included in the schedules_briefing.tpl - i am also working on a script where you can print out that flightplan but nothing else from that page. i think, i will need about 2-3 days until its done.



okay and now i start to need help. first of all i will explain how i do that.

this is very simple. the background graphic is that flightplan blank page. its loaded into a php file. after that, i made several classes and gave them positions (like position: absolute; top:100px;left:200px;) and also some letter spacing here and there. now on that screenshot in my first post, you can already see values so its at the moment Pan Am flight 9999. But this is not dynamic. In the very first stage of developement, i just put it in myself, but what i need is variables. So i took the variables from schedules_briefing (like <?php echo $schedule->depicao; ?> and so on). Now comes the problem... When i include the page into schedules_briefing.tpl (i need to do that or those variable things wont work), he does not show the picture at all. I figured out that this is a z-index problem.. that could be a thing which i can fix but the problem is, the positions i made for my classes in flightplan.tpl are now valid for the schedules_briefing.tpl and so it starts in the very first row with the flightplan (which is not what i want). i made this screenshot here so you know where i am at the moment (my explanation might be a bid confusing)


There, you see the text of the flightplan (works->if you look closer, you can see the ICAOs and so on) and the flightplan at the bottom (well parts of it). I have now 3 things i could/want to do.

1. option: make this flightplan as the first thing on the schedules_briefing.tpl, then my coordinates or lets say positions would be correct (but this sucks actually)

2. option: somehow (i dont know how) put it after the briefing but before the weather section with correct positions (would be okay)

3. option (and the best one): make a link to a popup with the flightplan so i dont need to include it, but in this case, i have to somehow get the details of the current flight to that page (and i dont know how)

actually, i am not a webdesigner but a real life pilot so my knowledge is very basic about php and i dont have the time to learn all those things. If you now tell me that i should read a manual about javascript or something like that, i wouldnt even understand why :D please guys, help me a bit more. I think this addon will be some big improvement of that great system as it adds some more reality.. You know, its really nice to just print that stuff out (oh yea, i forgot that i anyway need help because i dont know how to create a button which lets just print that flightplan <- but only in case of option 1 and 2 because 3 would work without any change as it is in a popup) and then start the flight with that flightplan... no switching between the windows, no need of self writing it and so on. I uploaded my code to my server so if anyone thinks he can help, here is what i got.. www.panam-airways.com/fp.rar  (dont wonder, some variables in that flightplan do not exist in the normal system and are addons from myself like e.g. i made an addon so i can decide 2 alternate airports, the fuel calculation is included and some other things)

with best regards



oh btw here is where i get my values from:

Aircraft Identification: <?php echo $schedule->code.$schedule->flightnum; ?> (accidently called that class fpreg for registration but doesnt matter at all

Flightrules: this is static at the moment and always I. I plan to make an update later where you can choose also V,Y and X

Type: S for scheduled (also static because the others wont make sense at all because this is the schedule briefing so it scheduled ;) )

Number: always 1 (static)

Aircrafttype: <?php echo "{$schedule->icao}"; ?> or something.. have to edit the schedule class i think to get a valid output..

Wakecategory: output via my own modification (clipper.tpl - outputs every detail to each aircraft like speed, wakecategory, name of aircraft, equipment on board)

Equipment: see above

Equipment2: see above (the 2 stands for everything behind the / )

Departure airport: <?php echo $schedule->depicao; ?>

Departure time: <?php echo "{$schedule->deptime}"; ?>

Speed: from clipper.tpl again.. we always fly with maximum speed in our VA, costindex 666 hell yea ;)

Flightlevel: is available in the admin center but in our airline, we use only 6 different flightlevels so i will but some kind of "if/then" into my clipper.tpl later

Route: <?php echo strtoupper($schedule->route); ?>

Arrival airport: <?php echo $schedule->arricao; ?>

Total time: at the moment static but code is given in standard schedules_briefing.tpl

First Alternate: i already have an addon for alternates but its not done yet..

Second Alternate: see above

Other Informations: for that, i have also an addon but also not yet done..(just some informations.. nothing important)

Endurance: calculated in my fuel.tpl addon (next version,.. already working on it)

Persons on board: well, if someone could tell me how i can output that.. would be nice

A/C Color: will be static for my airline because all liverys look the same

remarks: OPR/PANAM FOB/ POB/ REG/ and so on and so on.. the values are somewhere in the system already

pilot: the pilots name is also somewhere in the system. at least in the pilot center there is that "welcome back mr.. name" so i will just take that

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