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Can Some Help With Build of Website.Mainly Skins

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i am a New person to this and i don't know hoe to do this skinning thing and i did reaf the tutorial and didn't understand. so if anyone that knows how to can skinn one for me please also teach me on how to do it. thanks


Well from what i have seen, done and played with its very easy. If you have made and or gotten a template/theme then you really just need to look at the main themes that are there, see how they are put together and then implement just a couple of the lines of code you see there not everything, just the main lines of code into your template/theme and test it out a couple of times, play around with it and bam you will get it. To edit other things you need to go into the core/templates open those files and just edit those as is...very simple once you look around and finally figure out what you need to do and are doing..

1. Some things i would recommend is just look around get to know what you are doing...Know a little php code it will help as well as html....

2. Once you have done that i would honestly recommend making a list of things that need to be done and or things you want to do/make. Once you have a list and start to check things off it goes alot smoother.

If you need anyhelp just let me know

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Cody outlined the best way, create a copy of the default theme (crystal), and just mess around with it. Remove divs, replace them with your own. Think of it as a skeleton that you can change around and mess with.

Also, don't edit templates directly. Copy them into your skin folder, so they won't be overwritten.


ive played about with mine and luckily have a few coder friends on MSN to bounce my problems off, but ive managed to work it out for myself via these helpful friends ive made here.


It depends on how well you learn mostly from mistakes, make a list maybe draw a picture in pencil how you want the layout to be.

You have got 2 skins to work from one with top menu and one with side menu, choose which layout you want.

Install your VMS and in the folder /lib/skins/ make a copy of the crystal skin folder you choose and rename that folder.

Upload that to /lib/skins/ and select in in the "Admin Panel" so now any changes you make you will see instantly.

From here is the hard part, knowing what to start with. It took a few weeks of cutting, copying, pasting and breaking it for me to figure out and i think that's the only way to work it out as your only other option is to find someone who can code and will do it for you or learn to code yourself.

Heres some tips i learnt along the way:

  • styles.css = controls how it all looks
  • /core/templates/ = upload all the .tpl files out of there to your skin folder and edit there as updates can trash your work if left in /core/templates/.
  • frontpage_main.tpl = Is where all your front page changes are made
  • Adding new stuff to the front page = I added the image rotator with this code to the frontpage_main.tpl, will try to explain how it works from my un-trained point:

<h3>Our Destinations</h3>

<?php Template::Show('destination.tpl'); ?>

<h3>Our Destinations</h3> The h3 is pointing to h3 in the style.css so any edits there will allow you to change the image or what font and size "Our Destinations" is in.

background: url(images/h3.jpg) no-repeat left;
height: 25px;
font-size: 20px;
padding-left: 36px;
padding-bottom: 3px;
margin-top: 7px;

<?php Template::Show('destination.tpl'); ?> Is telling it to load a new template file i made called destination.tpl, which contains simple i-frame html code which i created with Dreamweaver (or any other website making software you have will do the same).

I still dont know how to code php and i haven't learnt much but i know now which bits of code i can copy and paste or delete, like i say you either get someone who can do it or roll up your sleeves and hack up the .tpl files and see what happens.

But its much easier if you can use Dreamweaver or some other WSIYWIG (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYG) web editor 1st.

I hope this helps get you started, Dave.

  • Administrators

That's not phpVMS.

And what exactly do you need help with? If you have specific questions, or how to do something, just saying you need help doesn't help us to help you. Dave posted an excellent primer above, messing with the system is probably the best way to see how it's put together.


So you have made a template with vms or something else?

If you havent already read through the info here http://www.phpvms.net/docs/ and if you have read it again :)

Add VMS skins and activating them is cover in those Doc's, you need to be more specific in what you have done so far because all i see is a html template.

Cheers, Dave.

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