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Dear people

Each time a pilot entering a PIREP, staff members comes a mail in English saying "A PIREP has-been submitted by ...."

Where is the TPL file is to translate this to my language?

How is the name of the TPL?

Best regards

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Its in the core>common>PIREPData.class,php

Its about line 756 in my file, it looks like this, thats not the whole section.

if (Config::Get('EMAIL_SEND_PIREP') === true) {

           # Send an email to the admin that a PIREP was submitted
           $sub = "A PIREP has been submitted by {$pilotcode} ({$pirepdata['depicao']} - {$pirepdata['arricao']})";
           $message = "A PIREP has been submitted by {$pilotcode} "
               ."({$pilotinfo->firstname} {$pilotinfo->lastname})\n\n"

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