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Hello All!

I am trying to develop a table like what is in the image below. I assume it will deal with if statements like if pilot lands KSFO display a checkmark. ELSE display a red x.



I would do a separate if and else statement for each cell in the table I am thinking of just expanding off of one module that was developed that lists out all the airports in your database. Can anyone provide the exact statement I would need?


Best way would be to loop through all the airports. If the pilot has a PIREP with the arrival destination (or departure if you really wish) as the airport's ICAO then display the tick, otherwise display the cross.

Also, you have Bozeman there twice, one with the correct ICAO and one with Colorado Springs' ICAO :)


Best way would be to loop through all the airports. If the pilot has a PIREP with the arrival destination (or departure if you really wish) as the airport's ICAO then display the tick, otherwise display the cross.

Also, you have Bozeman there twice, one with the correct ICAO and one with Colorado Springs' ICAO :)

Yes, but I don't know where I would pull if USER landed at (arrival) ICAO

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