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I would need to see your exact code and get a better idea of what you want, but what you could do is make a variable and conditional to display new content in the footer when your in the pilot center. I have not tested this on the phpVMS framework, but give it a go.

In your profile_main.tpl file above anything else put the following

<?php $pcfooter = 'profile'; ?>

Make a file in your active skin folder named footer.php, anything you want displayed put in this file.

Now go to your layout.tpl and where you want the content from the footer.php displayed, put

<?php if($pcfooter == 'profile') {echo "<?php include ('lib/skins/SKIN NAME/footer.php') ; } ?>

I am really tired and my mind went off as I am on vacation so if my syntax is off excuse me, my mind has gone to mush.


If you want it in the footer it'd be easiest to use

if(MainController::$activeModule == 'PROFILE'){
 // Do things

Or you could just put it in the bottom of profile_main template.


just want it to show on a link thats all under one of the tabs all ready

If it's just in the main body of the pilot center then edit profile_main.[php/tpl] in your skins folder




and how would the code me my friend would it be <lil>a href then the following code

Yes, <li><a href="index.php/your_page">Page name</a></li>


<li><a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">home</a></li>




// Show these if they haven't logged in yet


<li><a href="<?php echo url('/login'); ?>">Login</a></li>

<li><a href="<?php echo url('/registration'); ?>">Register</a></li>

<li><a href="index.php/http://etihadcodeshare">Etihad code </a></li>





// Show these items only if they are logged in


<li><a href="<?php echo url('/profile'); ?>">Pilot Center</a></li>




<li><a href="<?php echo url('/pilots'); ?>">Pilots</a></li>

<li><a href="<?php echo url('/acars') ?>">Live Map</a></li>

<?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?>




if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))


echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'">Admin Center</a></li>';



<li><a href="<?php echo url('/logout'); ?>">Log Out</a></li>




Thats my file and it isnt still showing up mate


<li><a href="index.php/http://etihadcodeshare">Etihad code </a></li>

should be

<li><a href="index.php/pages/etihadcodeshare">Etihad code </a></li>

Providing the page is set up as "ethiadcodeshare"

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