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Request for a web designer


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Hi all,

First thing to start off with is that i am a new member to this forum and also with phpvms.

I have been sim flying for a number of years now with a couple of VA's but i want to take the plunge and create my very own VA. With so many VA's flying around the web at present, i know it's a challenge but a challenge i will relish!

Right....i have phpvms but i am struggling with it to be honest. Not entry wise but web designing wise. I currently have the domain www.finesseairva.com which is also hosted with TFDI Design.

I really could do with some expertise with this please, so if there are any web designers who can help me setup i would be very grateful.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like your domain is currently offline? Anyways, phpVMS is built on the codon framework, basic skinning is very easily accomplished with some basic HTML and CSS knowledge. Take a look at the documentation tab at the top of the forums and tutorials on the web.

Start by copying the default skin and just mess around with it to see various changes. I like to develop on a live web server which means I have to constantly upload files to the site or be logged into my server via RDP. You can also develop offline with tools such as WAMP.

I see this is posted in the paid services so maybe a freelancer will come along and offer a price for some web design.

Best of luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Vibez,

I have a team of professionals working together building virtual airlines

We can help you build your site and create your custom matching airplane textures

There will be consistency between the aircraft design and the website

Contact me and let me us help you

take care


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