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Hello, I have 2 genral quesrions regarding this

1. How do I edit the IDs of individual pilots So I can give the first IDs for my staff // Found it in the Admin Panel [EDIT]

2. I have seen some airlines has custom Pilot ID Structure where each Hub starts with a different number. How to achieve that?



The first one is very much possible ...that i know of...only person iv seen do this was Chase Morgan (KIPPLEX) i could very much possibly be very wrong but the only way i can think of...that he was doing... was changing them manually for staff and if someone occupied the desired PID you just give that pilot a different PID that is already in use. That atleast is the only way i can think of making this possible...Chase chime in any time! :D

The second one you are asking about...i would think is impossible considering that PIDs are given based on registrations not based on the HUB or Airport the pilot chooses to be in

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