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Hi Guys,

The site is still a work in progress but almost complete. I would love to hear some comments before I completely finalise it.

Nabeel or anyone else with the know how. How do I include a separate php page. The complete list of links in the bottom are now a permanent fixture in the Layout.tpl file, originally I wanted to use the standard

<?php include ("bottom_links.php"); ?>

but that just would not work at all. I also renamed the file to bottom_links.tpl and use the standard templateShow to bring it into action, but that would not work either. What have I done wrong?

Looking forward to your comments regarding the site



Your site is good, I'm not a big fan of marquee's myself I think they look unprofessional but that's just me.

Also, I would make the lists of links at the bottom equally sized.

As for the links template, I assume it's the ones at the bottom I mentioned above, the 5 columns?

If you're going to have them on every page you can just put them in the footer.tpl.

Otherwise, put the html into your bottom_links.tpl, palce that in your skin's folder and use

<?php Template::Show('core_htmlreq.tpl'); ?>

to include it.

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Hi Guys,

The site is still a work in progress but almost complete. I would love to hear some comments before I completely finalise it.

Nabeel or anyone else with the know how. How do I include a separate php page. The complete list of links in the bottom are now a permanent fixture in the Layout.tpl file, originally I wanted to use the standard

<?php include ("bottom_links.php"); ?>

but that just would not work at all. I also renamed the file to bottom_links.tpl and use the standard templateShow to bring it into action, but that would not work either. What have I done wrong?

Looking forward to your comments regarding the site


Try an absolute path to that file


Thanks guys for the feedback. Tom I think I agree regarding the marquee. Ill take another peek at that menu list at the bottom, Firefox shows all the links the same size, but that may be as I have clicked on each and everyone of them during beta testing :D

Try an absolute path to that file

Thanks Nabeel, Ill give it a try.

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