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Me and Tom are in the process of opening up a new VA around May / June time. We are a bit stuck with what to offer. We run a VA on another system that has been running over 2 years, and were getting a bit bored of doing it completely our way. The plan is to create a VA by the pilots, for the pilots. We'd like you to tell us what you'd like to see in a VA; for example, hubs, aircraft, routes etc.

It would be great to hear back from you all.

Regards, Ben.


At flightsimuk.com we started with the bog standard routes that the many airlines fly, this gets the interest of the "I like flying real schedules" pilots.

We then decided to make FSUK dynamic and contstantly add new challenges for pilots to fly if they wish. This gets you the "I like to do something different" pilots.

Currently, alongside our "routine operations" we have an Iron Maiden Tour (Flight 666), World Relief Challenges (added to mirror real life happenings)and F1 Motor Sports Logistics (following the F1 calendar). We are now in the process of adding flights for the World Twenty 20 Cricket and Football World Cup.

What type of pilot you wish to attract and how much you want to "keep it real" should really determine your scheduling etc.

Don't create a stale VA, start with a plan but also listen to your members, they are the one's that keep the VA in the air. We listen to all idea's, we discuss them at regular management meetings and implement those that merit it.

The stuffy VA of the past is a dinosaur, keep it fresh and interesting.

Hope this helps (a little)


Thanks for the info :)

We've been running a VA for just under 2 years now, and doing all of that. But the pilots get bored, and were getting bored. We've got a few ideas and we will just have to exercise them, and see what happens I guess...



The best advice is it's your VA and you run it how you want to run it.

Pilots will come and go as the grass is always greener on the other side :rolleyes:

I fly for both a civilian and a military VA.

My first civilian VA was fun to start with but the more I got into it the more restrictive I found it. I ended up watching the TV with the wife because I couldn't be bothered to fly. I got bored, my hobby became boring and as this was just a hobby I left.

My second VA was totally different. It was run with the pilots in mind. New things were tried, the forum was lively and it was fun. Unfortunately it was based in the USA and so being a patriotic Brit I tried to find some UK based.

My current VA does exactly what it says on the tin. I have been involved from the start and have helped shape the VA. Nick who actually started it and also coughs up for it is a really nice bloke, we adapt as we go, continually keeping it fresh and have a good hard core of pilots who really enjoy the flying.

You will never ever keep everybody happy but you can have good fun trying :lol:

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