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Profile Module; redirect on update (success or error)


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How do I push user back to his profile edit page if core_success or core_error is thrown?

In the code below index() pulls profile_main.php which is not used (at all)--I can't set profile_edit because if I do then it shows no data. Is there way to force index() to move on to public function view($pilotid='') where the actual profile builds?

	public function index()
		if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) {
			$this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature!');

		 * This is from /profile/editprofile
		 if(isset($this->post->action)) {
			if($this->post->action == 'saveprofile') {

			/* this comes from /profile/changepassword
			if($this->post->action == 'changepassword') {

        $pilot = PilotData::getPilotData(Auth::$pilot->pilotid);

		if(Config::Get('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS') == true) {
			$totalhours = $pilot->totalhours + $pilot->transferhours;
		} else {
			$totalhours = $pilot->totalhours;

		$this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid));
		$this->set('report', PIREPData::getLastReports($pilot->pilotid));
		$this->set('nextrank', RanksData::getNextRank($totalhours));
		$this->set('allawards', AwardsData::getPilotAwards($pilot->pilotid));
		$this->set('userinfo', $pilot);
        $this->set('pilot', $pilot);
		$this->set('pilot_hours', $totalhours);


		CodonEvent::Dispatch('profile_viewed', 'Profile');


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What happens if you replace

if($this->post->action == 'saveprofile') {


if($this->post->action == 'saveprofile') {

Check if that has worked first, and if not try adding this:

Auth::$pilot = $pilot;

After this line in save_profile_post() function (around line 226)

PilotData::SaveFields($pilot->pilotid, $_POST);

That's a workaround (not ideal) so that the editProfile() function doesn't have to be changed slightly.

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1 hour ago, web541 said:


if($this->post->action == 'saveprofile') {


Yes and no; it did update the database but when it returned to edit profile the value was previous value. If I hit refresh then the field would show update.


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51 minutes ago, Ither said:

this-> editprofile just pulls back up previous data

Had a suspicion that would be the case.

On the same line (The one that you just put in, Auth::$pilot = $pilot;), try and replace it with this:

Auth::$pilot = PilotData::getPilotData($pilot->pilotid);


If that doesn't work, try and replace these 3 functions and see if that works for you


	public function index()
		if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) {
			$this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature!');

		 * This is from /profile/editprofile
		 if(isset($this->post->action)) {
			if($this->post->action == 'saveprofile') {

			/* this comes from /profile/changepassword
			if($this->post->action == 'changepassword') {

        $pilot = PilotData::getPilotData(Auth::$pilot->pilotid);

		if(Config::Get('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS') == true) {
			$totalhours = $pilot->totalhours + $pilot->transferhours;
		} else {
			$totalhours = $pilot->totalhours;

		$this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid));
		$this->set('report', PIREPData::getLastReports($pilot->pilotid));
		$this->set('nextrank', RanksData::getNextRank($totalhours));
		$this->set('allawards', AwardsData::getPilotAwards($pilot->pilotid));
		$this->set('userinfo', $pilot);
        $this->set('pilot', $pilot);
		$this->set('pilot_hours', $totalhours);


		CodonEvent::Dispatch('profile_viewed', 'Profile');


	public function editprofile()
		if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) {
			$this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature!');

		$p = PilotData::getPilotData(Auth::$pilotid);
		$this->set('userinfo', $p);
        $this->set('pilot', $p);
		$this->set('customfields', PilotData::getFieldData($p->pilotid, true));
		$this->set('bgimages', PilotData::getBackgroundImages());
		$this->set('countries', Countries::getAllCountries());
		$this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::getPilotCode($p->code, $p->pilotid));


	protected function save_profile_post()
		if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) {
			$this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature!');

		$pilot = Auth::$pilot;

		//TODO: check email validity
		if($this->post->email == '') {
			$this->set('message', 'The email address cannot be blank.');

		$fields = RegistrationData::getCustomFields();

                if(is_array($fields) || $fields instanceof Countable) {
                    if(count($fields) > 0) {
                        foreach ($fields as $field) {
                            $value = Vars::POST($field->fieldname);
                                $value1 = DB::escape($value);
                                    if ($field->required == 1 && $value1 == '') {
                                        $this->set('message', ''.$field->title.' cannot be blank!');

		$params = array(
			'code' => $pilot->code,
			'email' => $this->post->email,
			'location' => $this->post->location,
			'hub' => $pilot->hub,
			'bgimage' => $this->post->bgimage,
			'retired' => false

		PilotData::updateProfile($pilot->pilotid, $params);
		PilotData::SaveFields($pilot->pilotid, $_POST);

		# Generate a fresh signature

		PilotData::SaveAvatar($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid, $_FILES);

		$this->set('message', 'Profile saved!');




Edited by web541
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10 hours ago, web541 said:

Had a suspicion that would be the case.

On the same line (The one that you just put in, Auth::$pilot = $pilot;), try and replace it with this:

Auth::$pilot = PilotData::getPilotData($pilot->pilotid);


That solved it; now it's pulling data correctly. It also now returns to edit profile page and gives you the error/success instead of tossing you to the main dashboard.

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