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Stats by aircraft type


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On my old site, I had a page that showed a pilots stats by aircraft type. It listed how many hours a pilot flew per aircraft and had a "certified" picture if he flew enough hours....

Anyways, how is the best way to go about pulling out that info from the database? To give you an idea of what I had a long time ago...

print "<center>";
print "<b><font size=+3 color=#D86C4D>$callsign Fleet Stats</font></b><br>";
print "<hr width=800 align=center>";

$conn = mysql_connect

$query = "SELECT pilotid, equipment, ROUND((SUM(time_to_sec(duration))/3600),2) AS block, COUNT(duration) AS flights FROM pireps WHERE callsign = '$callsign' GROUP BY equipment"; 

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<table border='1'>";
echo "<tr> <th>Aircraft</th> <th>Flights</th> <th>Hours</th> <th>Certified</th></tr>";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

   echo "<tr><td align=left>";    
echo $row['equipment'];
echo "</td><td align=center>";
echo $row['flights'];
echo "</td><td align=center>";
echo $row['block'];
echo "</td><td align=center>";
 $var1 = '<img src="../pics/misc/orangerank.gif">';  
    if($row['block']>9.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC3'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>9.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC6'){
    echo $var1;
    }if($row['block']>99.9 && $row['equipment']=='B737-200'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>124.9 && $row['equipment']=='B727-100'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>124.9 && $row['equipment']=='B727-200'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>159.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC8-43'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>159.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC8-53'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>159.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC8-55'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>199.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC8-63'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>274.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC10-10'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>299.9 && $row['equipment']=='DC10-30'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>499.9 && $row['equipment']=='B747-200'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>39.9 && $row['equipment']=='ATR72-500'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>59.9 && $row['equipment']=='CRJ-200'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>74.9 && $row['equipment']=='BAe146-200'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>124.9 && $row['equipment']=='B737-300'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>124.9 && $row['equipment']=='B737-700'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>149.9 && $row['equipment']=='B757-200'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>299.9 && $row['equipment']=='B767-300'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>399.9 && $row['equipment']=='MD11'){
    echo $var1;
 }if($row['block']>499.9 && $row['equipment']=='B747-400'){
    echo $var1;
echo "</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";

Is there a template that already does something like that?

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BTW, I know we have the "my stats" thing through the pilot center; I just wanted to basically add the listing of flight hours by numbers with a graphical "certified" pic in a separate chart, maybe below the current pie chart....if you see what I mean. :)

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