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Hi All,


We have been running kAcars_Free V1.0.1.5 with our VA for some time now and it works as it should. However we have 1 pilot running Windows 11 that seems to have some sort of bug only on his machine and we have struggled to figure out where the issue is. Here are the synopsis of the error:


When he starts up the program he clicks the Log In button and it connects to our VA normally. He has already bid on a flight in our system (BTW we are using PHPVMS 5.5.2) and then proceeds to press the Get Flight Bid Info button. When he presses the button he gets the following error per the attached screenshot.


He can click OK to go past the error and fly his flight but when he tries to submit the pirep when completed it says he cannot file the pirep (I believe it shows up in red saying Try Again).


Also another odd thing is he has to apply the Ignore Parking Brake / Airborne check in his user profile every time he uses kAcars (first it is not saving / remembering that he enabled that...and secondly no matter which aircraft he uses he has the same problem).

He is running Windows 11 64 Bit, has .NET 3.5 and 4.X installed and has set the kAcars executable and shortcut to both "Run As Administrator". We have also tried to remove kAcars and reinstall and the same errors occur. We have other pilots also using Windows 11 without issue and can file pireps normally through the program and also do not have do disable the parking brake / airborne check. The problem appears to be isolated to this pilots computer and I am guessing some sort of registry error or security permission issue (or something to do with .NET) but not sure.


Has anyone else come across this problem / have a fix?




  • Administrators

On your website - go to .../core/common/SchedulesData.class.php file

Open that file with an editor - Notepad++ will work fine

Search for - getLatestBid --- it's somewhere around line 680 or so

If the line says

public function getLatestBid($pilotid) {

Change it to

public static function getLatestBid($pilotid) {

Save the file to your website and try it again


Let us know if that works or not


You should seriously consider upgrading to phpVMS v7 - more and more items on phpVMS 5.5.2 will cease to work as hosts continue to update their minimum PHP and MySQL/MariaDB versions.


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