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Question about cost calculation for long flights in the DisposableSpecial module (free flight)

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Posted (edited)


Hello everyone,


I've noticed that on long flights, costs quickly go into the negative.


  • For bookable flights, I can adjust the costs when creating the flight.
  • For free flights, however, only the default value from the subfleet configuration (Flares) is used.


Is there a way to adjust the costs so that long flights are not unprofitable, but short-haul flights don’t become overly profitable? Maybe a dynamic adjustment or an alternative calculation method?

Additionally, I’m wondering if I might have set up Flares incorrectly or not optimally. Are there any recommended best practices for configuring them to ensure a balanced cost structure?

I’d appreciate any ideas or suggestions!


Best regards,

Edited by IFL442
  • IFL442 changed the title to Question about cost calculation for long flights in the DisposableSpecial module (free flight)

Hi @IFL442,


What you are asking is directly phpVMS v7 related, not something my addons can control or should control directly. Fares are a part of the core (as we call it) and they can not be altered with a module (without playing with core files). We can inject our custom income and expenses but it is not possible for the main fare (ticket income/expense).


I do have a solution in Disposable Special (dynamic fare price calculation for each pirep when they get filed and accepted) , which I am using on my installs for a long time (and some friends also adopted it to their phpVMS v7's files) but unfortunately I can not share it publicly (or make it automatically installed) because it needs to be re-done after each phpVMS update.


I also tried to implement something similar to what I have for phpVMS v7 itself but due to some logical differences it was not possible, thus that idea was trashed :( This is still something open for improvement at v7's core systems.


Best wishes,



Hello @DisposableHero,


that doesn't sound so nice, but I would also be interested in your solution. 

Why can't you make this available to everyone? I would pay for it too your addons are great.

If you know that the module/plugin is linked to the php VMS version, you just have to wait with the main update.


Best regards,

Posted (edited)

It is not about being free or payware, or about making profit from something... Required code is already shipped with Disposable Special.


But this does not mean that everyone can use it or just enable/disable it easily. And it is not "version locked" or "version specific", people using my method are well aware of how to edit core system files, how to track changes and take responsibility of their alterations etc.


It is not something you install and then use style, when it comes to editing/altering core phpVMS files it becomes something different.


Hope it is more clear now :)

Edited by DisposableHero

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