fsmvirtual Posted Sunday at 09:07 PM Report Posted Sunday at 09:07 PM We have a pilot in our airline. His acars are frequently disconnected. We can't find the cause maybe if someone could help me understand what could be causing it. Many thanks! I:0309 11:17:39 =================================================== I:0309 11:17:39 Version: 2.0.608 I:0309 11:17:39 Release Channel: win-x64-beta I:0309 11:17:39 Windows Version: 10.0.19045 I:0309 11:17:39 Installation Type: installed I:0309 11:17:39 Installation Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current I:0309 11:17:39 Data Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\data I:0309 11:17:39 User Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars I:0309 11:17:39 Settings Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\settings.json I:0309 11:17:41 Installed path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current D:0309 11:17:41 Registered vmsacars URI for web launcher I:0309 11:17:42 Beta Enabled: true I:0309 11:17:43 Downloaded config scripts I:0309 11:17:43 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 11:17:43 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 11:17:43 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 11:17:43 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 11:17:43 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 11:17:43 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds D:0309 11:17:43 Loading logbook: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\data\fsmvirtual.com\logbook.db I:0309 11:17:44 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 11:17:44 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 11:17:44 License file integrity failed I:0309 11:17:44 Loading 1 airlines I:0309 11:17:44 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 11:17:45 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 11:17:45 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 11:17:45 Update.exe found in parent directory I:0309 11:17:45 Located valid manifest file at C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\sq.version I:0309 11:17:45 Loaded existing staging userId: f4cd08c1-3b3e-5099-84c7-7df7f8e11642 D:0309 11:17:46 Retrieving latest release feed. I:0309 11:17:46 Downloading release file 'releases.win-x64-beta.json' from 'https://acars.cdn.vmslabs.net/releases.win-x64-beta.json?arch=x64&os=win&rid=win-x64&id=vmsacars&localVersion=2.0.608'. I:0309 11:17:46 No updates, remote version (2.0.608) is not newer than current version (2.0.608) and / or downgrade is not enabled. I:0309 11:17:47 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 11:17:48 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 11:17:48 Not connected to uplink I:0309 11:17:52 Profile changing to fsmvirtual.com I:0309 11:17:52 Profile changed to "fsmvirtual.com" I:0309 11:17:52 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 11:17:52 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds I:0309 11:17:52 Profile changing to null I:0309 11:17:52 Profile changed to "null" I:0309 11:17:52 Profile changing to fsmvirtual.com I:0309 11:17:52 Profile changed to "fsmvirtual.com" I:0309 11:17:52 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 11:17:52 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 11:17:52 License file integrity failed D:0309 11:17:52 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm2.png D:0309 11:17:52 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm2.png I:0309 11:17:52 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 11:17:52 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 11:17:52 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 11:17:52 Loading 1 airlines D:0309 11:17:52 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm_dark.png I:0309 11:17:52 ACARS uplink disconnected D:0309 11:17:52 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm_dark.png D:0309 11:17:52 Downloading splash banner, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/acars.png D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 11:17:52 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 11:17:52 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds I:0309 11:17:53 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 11:17:54 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 11:17:54 Not connected to uplink I:0309 12:19:33 =================================================== I:0309 12:19:33 Version: 2.0.608 I:0309 12:19:33 Release Channel: win-x64-beta I:0309 12:19:33 Windows Version: 10.0.19045 I:0309 12:19:33 Installation Type: installed I:0309 12:19:33 Installation Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current I:0309 12:19:33 Data Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\data I:0309 12:19:33 User Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars I:0309 12:19:33 Settings Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\settings.json I:0309 12:19:37 Installed path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current D:0309 12:19:37 Registered vmsacars URI for web launcher I:0309 12:19:38 Beta Enabled: true I:0309 12:19:39 Downloaded config scripts I:0309 12:19:39 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 12:19:39 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 12:19:39 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 12:19:39 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 12:19:39 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 12:19:39 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds D:0309 12:19:39 Loading logbook: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\data\fsmvirtual.com\logbook.db I:0309 12:19:40 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 12:19:40 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 12:19:40 License file integrity failed I:0309 12:19:41 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 12:19:41 Loading 1 airlines I:0309 12:19:41 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 12:19:41 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 12:19:42 Update.exe found in parent directory I:0309 12:19:42 Located valid manifest file at C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\sq.version I:0309 12:19:42 Loaded existing staging userId: f4cd08c1-3b3e-5099-84c7-7df7f8e11642 D:0309 12:19:43 Retrieving latest release feed. I:0309 12:19:43 Downloading release file 'releases.win-x64-beta.json' from 'https://acars.cdn.vmslabs.net/releases.win-x64-beta.json?arch=x64&os=win&rid=win-x64&id=vmsacars&localVersion=2.0.608'. I:0309 12:19:43 No updates, remote version (2.0.608) is not newer than current version (2.0.608) and / or downgrade is not enabled. I:0309 12:19:44 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 12:19:45 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 12:19:45 Not connected to uplink I:0309 12:19:59 Flight selected: FSM28E | FM124 I:0309 12:19:59 Loading flight, ID=eXNvLWq2XXJ9b0Q8 I:0309 12:19:59 Loading flight plan from Simbrief, SimBrief.ID=1741522458_33F627718C I:0309 12:20:00 Loading fares, name=Economy I:0309 12:20:00 Loading fares, name=Cargo I:0309 12:20:00 Loading fares, name=Economy I:0309 12:20:00 Loading fares, name=Cargo D:0309 12:20:00 Departure airport loaded: LRBV: Braè™ov-Ghimbav International Airport (u.c.) D:0309 12:20:00 Arrival airport loaded: LHBP: Ferihegy I:0309 12:20:11 Validation passed, starting new session I:0309 12:20:11 Saving fare to PIREP, name=Economy, count=151 I:0309 12:20:11 Saving fare to PIREP, name=Cargo, count=1318 I:0309 12:20:11 Found loaded flight plan, adding to PIREP I:0309 12:20:11 Field: Version=2.0.608 beta I:0309 12:20:11 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache for MSFS config W:0309 12:20:11 Directory C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache doesn't exist, skipping I:0309 12:20:11 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator for MSFS config I:0309 12:20:11 Found UserOpt file in C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt I:0309 12:20:11 Found packages path in: K:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator I:0309 12:20:11 Starting PIREP, sim type=Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 D:0309 12:20:11 Starting LVar collection I:0309 12:20:12 PIREP Prefiled: vMxOyKX1oAzRz3eG I:0309 12:20:12 Starting with brakes off I:0309 12:20:12 LRBV: Braè™ov-Ghimbav International Airport (u.c.) to LHBP: Ferihegy I:0309 12:20:12 Distance: 353.57 nm I:0309 12:20:12 Simulator time is 3/9/2025 12:20:11 PM +00:00 I:0309 12:20:12 Field: Simulator=Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 I:0309 12:20:12 Field: Aircraft=FlyByWire A320NEO - FSM Virtual HA-NEK (2025) I:0309 12:20:12 Field: Aircraft ICAO=A20N I:0309 12:20:12 Field: Unlimited Fuel=Off D:0309 12:20:12 Subscribing file changes in rules D:0309 12:20:13 AircraftConfig, title=FlyByWire A320NEO - FSM Virtual HA-NEK (2025), icao=A20N, path=SimObjects\Airplanes\FlyByWire_A320_NEO\aircraft.CFG I:0309 12:20:13 Found matching config map from msfs default I:0309 12:20:13 Found matching config map from FlyByWire A320N I:0309 12:20:13 Beacon Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Landing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Logo Light: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Navigation Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Strobe Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Taxi Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Wing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Flaps: Selected "FlyByWire A320N" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 APU: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Battery: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Transponder: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 Autopilot: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:20:13 External Power: Selected "msfs default" as the best match E:0309 12:20:13 SimConnect_OnRecvException: "NAME_UNRECOGNIZED" D:0309 12:20:13 Departure airport loaded: LRBV: Braè™ov-Ghimbav International Airport (u.c.) D:0309 12:20:13 Arrival airport loaded: LHBP: Ferihegy I:0309 12:20:13 Can start ACARS, onGround=true I:0309 12:20:13 State: Initialized (45.695353,25.516795) I:0309 12:20:13 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:20:13Z/2025-03-09T12:20:13Z, Flight Time=00m 00s I:0309 12:20:13 Alt=1,771.81 ft, Spd=0 kn, HdgT=127°, HdgM=120° I:0309 12:20:14 Boarding started at "2025-03-09T12:20:13.0000000+00:00", actual time="2025-03-09T12:20:14.0417864+00:00" I:0309 12:20:14 Field: Departure Gate=Gate 3 (Ramp GA Large) I:0309 12:20:14 Field: Departure METAR=METAR LRBV 091220Z 06905KT 0002M 17/17 A28.05 I:0309 12:20:14 Starting at gate Gate 3 (Ramp GA Large) I:0309 12:20:14 Started boarding at 2025-03-09T12:20:14Z, aircraft: FlyByWire A320NEO - FSM Virtual HA-NEK (2025) D:0309 12:20:14 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:20:14 METAR LRBV 091220Z 06905KT 0002M 17/17 A28.05 I:0309 12:20:14 State: Boarding (45.695353,25.516795) I:0309 12:20:14 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:20:13Z/2025-03-09T12:20:14Z, Flight Time=00m 00s I:0309 12:20:14 Alt=1,771.81 ft, Spd=0 kn, HdgT=127°, HdgM=120° D:0309 12:20:14 Found 2 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:40:39 =================================================== I:0309 12:40:39 Version: 2.0.608 I:0309 12:40:39 Release Channel: win-x64-beta I:0309 12:40:39 Windows Version: 10.0.19045 I:0309 12:40:39 Installation Type: installed I:0309 12:40:39 Installation Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current I:0309 12:40:39 Data Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\data I:0309 12:40:39 User Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars I:0309 12:40:39 Settings Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\settings.json I:0309 12:40:44 Installed path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current D:0309 12:40:44 Registered vmsacars URI for web launcher I:0309 12:40:44 Beta Enabled: true I:0309 12:40:45 Downloaded config scripts I:0309 12:40:45 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 12:40:45 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 12:40:45 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 12:40:45 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 12:40:45 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 12:40:45 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds D:0309 12:40:45 Loading logbook: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\data\fsmvirtual.com\logbook.db I:0309 12:40:46 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 12:40:46 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 12:40:46 License file integrity failed I:0309 12:40:46 Loading 1 airlines I:0309 12:40:46 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 12:40:47 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 12:40:47 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 12:40:47 Latest PIREP has ID 3 I:0309 12:40:48 Checking PIREP status, id=3, state=Boarding I:0309 12:40:48 PIREP not marked as cancelled, prompting resume I:0309 12:40:49 Connected to ACARS uplink I:0309 12:40:50 Selected resume for PIREP I:0309 12:40:50 Resuming flight, in state: Boarding I:0309 12:40:50 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache for MSFS config W:0309 12:40:50 Directory C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache doesn't exist, skipping I:0309 12:40:50 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator for MSFS config I:0309 12:40:50 Found UserOpt file in C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt I:0309 12:40:50 Found packages path in: K:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator E:0309 12:40:50 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 12:40:50 Not connected to uplink I:0309 12:40:50 Starting PIREP, sim type=Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 D:0309 12:40:50 Starting LVar collection I:0309 12:40:51 Resume, calculating distance, curr=N045° 41.75', E025° 30.97', last=N045° 41.72', E025° 31.01', dist=0.04 nm I:0309 12:40:51 Resuming, distance from last report: 0.04 nm D:0309 12:40:51 Subscribing file changes in rules D:0309 12:40:51 AircraftConfig, title=FlyByWire A320NEO - FSM Virtual HA-NEK (2025), icao=A20N, path=SimObjects\Airplanes\FlyByWire_A320_NEO\aircraft.CFG I:0309 12:40:51 Found matching config map from msfs default I:0309 12:40:51 Found matching config map from FlyByWire A320N I:0309 12:40:51 Beacon Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Landing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Logo Light: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Navigation Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Strobe Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Taxi Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Wing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Flaps: Selected "FlyByWire A320N" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 APU: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Battery: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Transponder: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 Autopilot: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:40:51 External Power: Selected "msfs default" as the best match E:0309 12:40:52 SimConnect_OnRecvException: "NAME_UNRECOGNIZED" I:0309 12:42:33 Going into pushback; trigger=ground speed, ground speed=0.31 kn I:0309 12:42:34 Started pushback I:0309 12:42:34 Landing Gear set to down; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Field: Blocks Off Time (Sim)=2025-03-09T12:42:33Z I:0309 12:42:34 Field: Blocks Off Time (Real)=2025-03-09T12:42:34Z I:0309 12:42:34 Field: Ramp Weight=138574.50 I:0309 12:42:34 Beacon Lights set to on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 State: Pushback (45.695900,25.516099) I:0309 12:42:34 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:42:33Z/2025-03-09T12:42:34Z, Flight Time=00m 00s I:0309 12:42:34 Alt=1,774.62 ft, Spd=0.43 kn, HdgT=190°, HdgM=183° I:0309 12:42:34 Landing Lights set to off; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Navigation Lights set to on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Strobe Lights set to off; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Taxi Lights set to on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Wing Lights set to on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 APU set to on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Battery set to off; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Transponder set to on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Autopilot set to off; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 External Power set to off; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Engine 1 is on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts I:0309 12:42:34 Engine 2 is on; 45.695900,25.516099; h=183°, a=1,774.62 ft, s=0.43 kts D:0309 12:42:37 Found 15 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:43:39 Going into taxi; trigger=ground speed, ground speed=5.07 kn I:0309 12:43:39 Started taxi out I:0309 12:43:39 Field: Taxi Out Time (Sim)=2025-03-09T12:43:38Z I:0309 12:43:39 Field: Taxi Out Time (Real)=2025-03-09T12:43:39Z I:0309 12:43:39 State: Taxi Out (45.695563,25.515826) I:0309 12:43:39 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:43:38Z/2025-03-09T12:43:39Z, Flight Time=01m 04s I:0309 12:43:39 Alt=1,772.6 ft, Spd=5.07 kn, HdgT=212°, HdgM=205° D:0309 12:43:41 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:44:23 APU set to off; 45.695528,25.514020; h=299°, a=1,774.81 ft, s=0.01 kts D:0309 12:44:33 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:45:02 Landing Lights set to on; 45.695528,25.514020; h=299°, a=1,775.01 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 12:45:03 Starting timer for LAND_LIGHTS_OFF_TAXI_violated_after D:0309 12:45:05 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:45:06 Strobe Lights set to on; 45.695528,25.514020; h=299°, a=1,775.01 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 12:45:07 Starting timer for STROBES_ON_TAXI_violated_after D:0309 12:45:15 Found 1 logs to export, sending now D:0309 12:45:44 Entered/crossing runway 21 (45.695914,25.513186) I:0309 12:45:44 On or crossing runway 21 I:0309 12:49:02 =================================================== I:0309 12:49:02 Version: 2.0.608 I:0309 12:49:02 Release Channel: win-x64-beta I:0309 12:49:02 Windows Version: 10.0.19045 I:0309 12:49:02 Installation Type: installed I:0309 12:49:02 Installation Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current I:0309 12:49:02 Data Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\data I:0309 12:49:02 User Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars I:0309 12:49:02 Settings Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\settings.json I:0309 12:49:06 Installed path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current D:0309 12:49:06 Registered vmsacars URI for web launcher I:0309 12:49:07 Beta Enabled: true I:0309 12:49:08 Downloaded config scripts I:0309 12:49:08 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 12:49:08 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 12:49:08 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 12:49:08 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 12:49:08 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 12:49:08 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds D:0309 12:49:08 Loading logbook: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\data\fsmvirtual.com\logbook.db I:0309 12:49:10 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 12:49:10 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 12:49:10 License file integrity failed I:0309 12:49:10 Loading 1 airlines I:0309 12:49:10 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 12:49:11 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 12:49:11 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 12:49:11 Latest PIREP has ID 3 I:0309 12:49:13 Checking PIREP status, id=3, state=Taxi Out I:0309 12:49:13 PIREP not marked as cancelled, prompting resume I:0309 12:49:13 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 12:49:14 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 12:49:14 Not connected to uplink I:0309 12:49:15 Selected resume for PIREP I:0309 12:49:15 Resuming flight, in state: Taxi Out I:0309 12:49:15 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache for MSFS config W:0309 12:49:15 Directory C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache doesn't exist, skipping I:0309 12:49:15 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator for MSFS config I:0309 12:49:15 Found UserOpt file in C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt I:0309 12:49:15 Found packages path in: K:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator I:0309 12:49:15 Starting PIREP, sim type=Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 D:0309 12:49:15 Starting LVar collection I:0309 12:49:16 Resume, calculating distance, curr=N045° 50.71', E025° 40.09', last=N045° 41.75', E025° 30.80', dist=11.06 nm I:0309 12:49:16 Resuming, distance from last report: 11.06 nm D:0309 12:49:16 Subscribing file changes in rules D:0309 12:49:16 AircraftConfig, title=FlyByWire A320NEO - FSM Virtual HA-NEK (2025), icao=A20N, path=SimObjects\Airplanes\FlyByWire_A320_NEO\aircraft.CFG I:0309 12:49:16 Found matching config map from msfs default I:0309 12:49:16 Found matching config map from FlyByWire A320N I:0309 12:49:16 Beacon Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Landing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Logo Light: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Navigation Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Strobe Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Taxi Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Wing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Flaps: Selected "FlyByWire A320N" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 APU: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Battery: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Transponder: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 Autopilot: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 12:49:16 External Power: Selected "msfs default" as the best match E:0309 12:49:17 SimConnect_OnRecvException: "NAME_UNRECOGNIZED" I:0309 12:49:17 Takeoff detected, trigger = on ground = false I:0309 12:49:17 Started Takeoff I:0309 12:49:17 Field: Taxi Out Time=5m 38s I:0309 12:49:17 Field: Taxi Fuel Used=712.36 I:0309 12:49:17 Field: Takeoff Time (Sim)=2025-03-09T12:49:16Z I:0309 12:49:17 Field: Takeoff Time (Real)=2025-03-09T12:49:17Z I:0309 12:49:17 Field: Takeoff Weight=137862.14 I:0309 12:49:17 Field: Takeoff Flaps=UP I:0309 12:49:17 Field: Takeoff METAR=METAR LRBV 091249Z 19705KT 0002M 2/2 A22.31 I:0309 12:49:17 Taxi time was 5m 38s I:0309 12:49:17 Takeoff Time: 2025-03-09T12:49:17Z; 45.846669,25.669849; h=31°, a=7,814.08 ft, s=249.82 kts I:0309 12:49:18 State: Takeoff (45.846669,25.669849) I:0309 12:49:18 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:49:16Z/2025-03-09T12:49:17Z, Flight Time=06m 43s I:0309 12:49:18 Alt=7,814.08 ft, Spd=282.91 kn, HdgT=37°, HdgM=31° I:0309 12:49:18 Landing Gear set to down; 45.846669,25.669849; h=31°, a=7,814.08 ft, s=249.82 kts I:0309 12:49:18 IsOnInitialClimb: Detected GroundAltitude=5,775.47 ft I:0309 12:49:18 Beacon Lights set to on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Landing Lights set to on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 State: Climb Out (45.847161,25.670380) I:0309 12:49:18 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:49:17Z/2025-03-09T12:49:18Z, Flight Time=06m 43s I:0309 12:49:18 Alt=7,849.06 ft, Spd=283.03 kn, HdgT=37°, HdgM=31° I:0309 12:49:18 Navigation Lights set to on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Strobe Lights set to on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Taxi Lights set to off; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Wing Lights set to on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 APU set to off; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Battery set to off; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Transponder set to on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Autopilot set to off; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 External Power set to off; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Engine 1 is on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 Engine 2 is on; 45.847161,25.670380; h=31°, a=7,849.06 ft, s=249.75 kts I:0309 12:49:18 IsEnroute: Detected stable altitude - 7,887.86 ft I:0309 12:49:18 State: Enroute (45.847704,25.670966) I:0309 12:49:18 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:49:17Z/2025-03-09T12:49:18Z, Flight Time=06m 43s I:0309 12:49:18 Alt=7,887.86 ft, Spd=283.16 kn, HdgT=37°, HdgM=31° I:0309 12:49:18 Going to next waypoint: EBCOL I:0309 12:49:18 State: Enroute (45.847704,25.670966) I:0309 12:49:18 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:49:17Z/2025-03-09T12:49:18Z, Flight Time=06m 43s I:0309 12:49:18 Alt=7,887.86 ft, Spd=283.16 kn, HdgT=37°, HdgM=31° D:0309 12:49:18 Found 17 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:49:49 Crossed above 10,000 feet D:0309 12:49:50 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:49:53 Landing Lights set to off; 45.884578,25.710224; h=30°, a=10,265.01 ft, s=250.65 kts D:0309 12:50:01 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:50:02 Landing Gear set to up; 45.894649,25.720826; h=30°, a=10,611.65 ft, s=259.20 kts I:0309 12:50:02 Landing Gear set to down; 45.895217,25.721423; h=30°, a=10,623.63 ft, s=259.82 kts I:0309 12:50:03 Landing Gear set to up; 45.896387,25.722652; h=30°, a=10,652.74 ft, s=261.02 kts D:0309 12:50:11 Found 3 logs to export, sending now I:0309 12:51:14 Going to next waypoint: COZMU I:0309 12:51:14 State: Enroute (45.990836,25.808501) I:0309 12:51:14 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:51:14Z/2025-03-09T12:51:14Z, Flight Time=08m 39s I:0309 12:51:14 Alt=13,953.97 ft, Spd=359.88 kn, HdgT=9°, HdgM=3° I:0309 12:52:30 Going to next waypoint: TOMET I:0309 12:52:30 State: Enroute (46.116538,25.761482) I:0309 12:52:30 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:52:29Z/2025-03-09T12:52:30Z, Flight Time=09m 55s I:0309 12:52:30 Alt=17,748.69 ft, Spd=383.46 kn, HdgT=341°, HdgM=335° I:0309 12:55:52 Going to next waypoint: KEZAL I:0309 12:55:52 State: Enroute (46.474995,25.574679) I:0309 12:55:52 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T12:55:51Z/2025-03-09T12:55:52Z, Flight Time=13m 17s I:0309 12:55:52 Alt=25,714.3 ft, Spd=428.14 kn, HdgT=310°, HdgM=304° I:0309 13:21:20 IsInApproach: In the last 85% of the distance I:0309 13:21:20 On approach I:0309 13:21:20 State: Approach (47.055517,21.174082) I:0309 13:21:20 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:21:19Z/2025-03-09T13:21:20Z, Flight Time=38m 45s I:0309 13:21:20 Alt=25,870.93 ft, Spd=411.53 kn, HdgT=276°, HdgM=270° D:0309 13:21:21 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:27:37 Going to next waypoint: OCRIT I:0309 13:27:37 State: Approach (47.157055,20.233222) I:0309 13:27:37 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:27:36Z/2025-03-09T13:27:37Z, Flight Time=45m 02s I:0309 13:27:37 Alt=12,173.11 ft, Spd=317.51 kn, HdgT=292°, HdgM=287° I:0309 13:28:40 Landing Lights set to on; 47.216281,20.133087; h=304°, a=10,364.54 ft, s=247.54 kts I:0309 13:28:42 IsOnFinal=true, GroundAltitude=10,018.02 ft, Gear=false, Flaps=0 I:0309 13:28:42 On final approach I:0309 13:28:42 State: Final (47.218111,20.130217) I:0309 13:28:42 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:28:42Z/2025-03-09T13:28:42Z, Flight Time=46m 07s I:0309 13:28:42 Alt=10,306.02 ft, Spd=294.65 kn, HdgT=310°, HdgM=304° I:0309 13:28:42 Landing Gear set to down; 47.218111,20.130217; h=304°, a=10,306.02 ft, s=247.15 kts D:0309 13:28:51 Found 3 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:29:40 Starting timer for SPEED_UNDER_10K_violated_after I:0309 13:29:45 Rule: SPEED_UNDER_10K - Timer delay of 5494.6109 passed, marking violated I:0309 13:29:45 Rule: Speed under 10k exceeds , rule: Speed under 10k exceeds 258, -3 points I:0309 13:29:45 Violation: Speed under 10k exceeds (1x) - Speed under 10k exceeds 258; 47.276383,20.038281; h=304°, a=8,004.62 ft, s=260.18 kts D:0309 13:29:53 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:30:49 Going to next waypoint: ZURFA I:0309 13:30:49 State: Final (47.335361,19.945024) I:0309 13:30:49 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:30:48Z/2025-03-09T13:30:48Z, Flight Time=48m 13s I:0309 13:30:49 Alt=5,790.23 ft, Spd=284.83 kn, HdgT=310°, HdgM=304° I:0309 13:32:05 Going to next waypoint: BP772 I:0309 13:32:05 State: Final (47.394212,19.843766) I:0309 13:32:05 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:32:04Z/2025-03-09T13:32:05Z, Flight Time=49m 30s I:0309 13:32:05 Alt=5,010.15 ft, Spd=240.52 kn, HdgT=278°, HdgM=272° I:0309 13:34:39 Going to next waypoint: ULPAX I:0309 13:34:39 State: Final (47.354559,19.594209) I:0309 13:34:39 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:34:38Z/2025-03-09T13:34:39Z, Flight Time=52m 04s I:0309 13:34:39 Alt=5,002.06 ft, Spd=270.19 kn, HdgT=280°, HdgM=274° I:0309 13:37:44 Landing Gear set to up; 47.512112,19.332693; h=303°, a=5,000.51 ft, s=250.26 kts I:0309 13:37:44 Landing Gear set to down; 47.512945,19.331343; h=303°, a=5,000.38 ft, s=250.26 kts D:0309 13:37:53 Found 2 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:37:59 Going to next waypoint: BP774 I:0309 13:37:59 State: Final (47.526112,19.310042) I:0309 13:37:59 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:37:58Z/2025-03-09T13:37:59Z, Flight Time=55m 24s I:0309 13:37:59 Alt=5,000.27 ft, Spd=280.33 kn, HdgT=309°, HdgM=304° I:0309 13:39:16 Going to next waypoint: CATUZ I:0309 13:39:16 State: Final (47.593110,19.201209) I:0309 13:39:16 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:39:15Z/2025-03-09T13:39:15Z, Flight Time=56m 40s I:0309 13:39:16 Alt=5,001.09 ft, Spd=281.19 kn, HdgT=309°, HdgM=304° I:0309 13:41:46 Going to next waypoint: LHBP I:0309 13:41:46 State: Final (47.687818,18.985771) I:0309 13:41:46 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:41:45Z/2025-03-09T13:41:45Z, Flight Time=59m 10s I:0309 13:41:46 Alt=4,566.82 ft, Spd=226.09 kn, HdgT=227°, HdgM=222° I:0309 13:43:41 Flaps set to CONF 1; 47.584090,19.000680; h=129°, a=3,499.73 ft, s=207.89 kts D:0309 13:43:47 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:43:53 Landing Gear set to up; 47.576996,19.012319; h=129°, a=3,496.65 ft, s=199.62 kts I:0309 13:43:53 Landing Gear set to down; 47.576651,19.012887; h=129°, a=3,497.34 ft, s=199.24 kts D:0309 13:43:58 Found 2 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:44:02 Taxi Lights set to on; 47.571481,19.021300; h=129°, a=3,494.57 ft, s=193.13 kts D:0309 13:44:08 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:44:24 Flaps set to CONF 1+F; 47.558841,19.041862; h=129°, a=3,510.06 ft, s=188.07 kts I:0309 13:44:27 Flaps set to CONF 2; 47.557146,19.044619; h=129°, a=3,513.91 ft, s=185.21 kts D:0309 13:44:29 Found 2 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:44:49 Landing Gear set to up; 47.545451,19.063641; h=129°, a=3,303.26 ft, s=172.02 kts I:0309 13:44:49 Landing Gear set to down; 47.545102,19.064205; h=129°, a=3,292.3 ft, s=171.83 kts D:0309 13:44:50 Found 2 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:46:35 Flaps set to CONF 3; 47.496908,19.142553; h=128°, a=1,917.97 ft, s=144.77 kts D:0309 13:46:44 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:46:56 Flaps set to FULL; 47.487995,19.157052; h=127°, a=1,669.17 ft, s=143.85 kts D:0309 13:47:05 Found 1 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:54:45 =================================================== I:0309 13:54:45 Version: 2.0.608 I:0309 13:54:45 Release Channel: win-x64-beta I:0309 13:54:45 Windows Version: 10.0.19045 I:0309 13:54:45 Installation Type: installed I:0309 13:54:45 Installation Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current I:0309 13:54:45 Data Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\data I:0309 13:54:45 User Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars I:0309 13:54:45 Settings Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\settings.json I:0309 13:54:51 Installed path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current D:0309 13:54:51 Registered vmsacars URI for web launcher I:0309 13:54:53 Beta Enabled: true I:0309 13:54:53 Downloaded config scripts I:0309 13:54:53 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 13:54:53 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 13:54:53 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 13:54:53 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 13:54:53 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 13:54:53 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds D:0309 13:54:53 Loading logbook: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\data\fsmvirtual.com\logbook.db I:0309 13:54:55 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 13:54:55 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 13:54:55 License file integrity failed I:0309 13:54:55 Loading 1 airlines I:0309 13:54:55 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 13:54:55 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 13:54:56 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 13:54:56 Latest PIREP has ID 3 I:0309 13:54:57 Checking PIREP status, id=3, state=Final I:0309 13:54:57 PIREP not marked as cancelled, prompting resume I:0309 13:54:57 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 13:54:59 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 13:54:59 Not connected to uplink I:0309 13:55:01 Selected resume for PIREP I:0309 13:55:01 Resuming flight, in state: Final I:0309 13:55:01 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache for MSFS config W:0309 13:55:01 Directory C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache doesn't exist, skipping I:0309 13:55:01 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator for MSFS config I:0309 13:55:01 Found UserOpt file in C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt I:0309 13:55:01 Found packages path in: K:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator I:0309 13:55:01 Starting PIREP, sim type=Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 D:0309 13:55:01 Starting LVar collection I:0309 13:55:02 Resume, calculating distance, curr=N047° 26.07', E019° 15.70', last=N047° 29.28', E019° 09.42', dist=5.33 nm I:0309 13:55:02 Resuming, distance from last report: 5.33 nm D:0309 13:55:03 Subscribing file changes in rules D:0309 13:55:03 AircraftConfig, title=FlyByWire A320NEO - FSM Virtual HA-NEK (2025), icao=A20N, path=SimObjects\Airplanes\FlyByWire_A320_NEO\aircraft.CFG I:0309 13:55:03 Found matching config map from msfs default I:0309 13:55:03 Found matching config map from FlyByWire A320N I:0309 13:55:03 Beacon Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Landing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Logo Light: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Navigation Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Strobe Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Taxi Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Wing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Flaps: Selected "FlyByWire A320N" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 APU: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Battery: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Transponder: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 Autopilot: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:55:03 External Power: Selected "msfs default" as the best match E:0309 13:55:03 SimConnect_OnRecvException: "NAME_UNRECOGNIZED" I:0309 13:55:03 Scanning for arrival airport at 47.434470,19.261686 W:0309 13:55:04 Could not find arrival runway, scanned for airport, trying to detect differently W:0309 13:55:04 Could not find arrival runway at all - apt=LHBP, # rwys=4 W:0309 13:55:04 Could not detect landing runway I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Time (Sim)=2025-03-09T13:55:02Z I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Time (Real)=2025-03-09T13:55:04Z I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Rate=-0.00 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Pitch=-0.00 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing G-Force=1.00 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Roll=-0.00 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Heading=178 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Weight=133649.33 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Fuel=5328.93 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Speed=0.00 I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing Flaps=UP I:0309 13:55:04 Field: Landing METAR=METAR LHBP 091355Z 14911KT 0002M 20/20 A29.34 I:0309 13:55:04 Landing Gear set to down; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:04 Landing rate: -0.00 I:0309 13:55:04 Beacon Lights set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:04 Landing Lights set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:04 State: Landed (47.434470,19.261686) I:0309 13:55:04 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:55:02Z/2025-03-09T13:55:04Z, Flight Time=01h 12m 29s I:0309 13:55:04 Alt=468.92 ft, Spd=0 kn, HdgT=178°, HdgM=172° I:0309 13:55:04 On Taxi In, runway is null, GroundSpeed=0 kn I:0309 13:55:04 Navigation Lights set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:04 Strobe Lights set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:04 State: Taxi In (47.434470,19.261686) I:0309 13:55:04 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:55:02Z/2025-03-09T13:55:04Z, Flight Time=01h 12m 29s I:0309 13:55:04 Alt=468.92 ft, Spd=0 kn, HdgT=178°, HdgM=172° I:0309 13:55:05 Taxi Lights set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 Wing Lights set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 APU set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 Battery set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 Transponder set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 Autopilot set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 External Power set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 Engine 1 is on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:55:05 Engine 2 is on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts D:0309 13:55:05 Found 15 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:58:02 =================================================== I:0309 13:58:02 Version: 2.0.608 I:0309 13:58:02 Release Channel: win-x64-beta I:0309 13:58:02 Windows Version: 10.0.19045 I:0309 13:58:02 Installation Type: installed I:0309 13:58:02 Installation Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current I:0309 13:58:02 Data Path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\data I:0309 13:58:02 User Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars I:0309 13:58:02 Settings Path: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\settings.json I:0309 13:58:08 Installed path: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current D:0309 13:58:08 Registered vmsacars URI for web launcher I:0309 13:58:09 Beta Enabled: true I:0309 13:58:09 Downloaded config scripts I:0309 13:58:09 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 13:58:09 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 13:58:09 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 13:58:09 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 13:58:09 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 13:58:09 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds D:0309 13:58:09 Loading logbook: C:\Users\Attila\Documents\vmsacars\data\fsmvirtual.com\logbook.db I:0309 13:58:11 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 13:58:11 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 13:58:11 License file integrity failed I:0309 13:58:11 Loading 1 airlines I:0309 13:58:11 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 13:58:11 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 13:58:11 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 13:58:12 Latest PIREP has ID 3 I:0309 13:58:13 Checking PIREP status, id=3, state=Taxi In I:0309 13:58:13 PIREP not marked as cancelled, prompting resume I:0309 13:58:14 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 13:58:14 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 13:58:14 Not connected to uplink I:0309 13:58:15 Selected resume for PIREP I:0309 13:58:15 Resuming flight, in state: Taxi In I:0309 13:58:15 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache for MSFS config W:0309 13:58:15 Directory C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache doesn't exist, skipping I:0309 13:58:15 Checking C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator for MSFS config I:0309 13:58:15 Found UserOpt file in C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt I:0309 13:58:15 Found packages path in: K:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator I:0309 13:58:15 Starting PIREP, sim type=Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 D:0309 13:58:16 Starting LVar collection D:0309 13:58:17 Subscribing file changes in rules D:0309 13:58:17 AircraftConfig, title=FlyByWire A320NEO - FSM Virtual HA-NEK (2025), icao=A20N, path=SimObjects\Airplanes\FlyByWire_A320_NEO\aircraft.CFG I:0309 13:58:17 Found matching config map from msfs default I:0309 13:58:17 Found matching config map from FlyByWire A320N I:0309 13:58:17 Beacon Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Landing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Logo Light: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Navigation Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Strobe Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Taxi Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Wing Lights: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Flaps: Selected "FlyByWire A320N" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 APU: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Battery: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Transponder: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 Autopilot: Selected "msfs default" as the best match I:0309 13:58:17 External Power: Selected "msfs default" as the best match E:0309 13:58:18 SimConnect_OnRecvException: "NAME_UNRECOGNIZED" I:0309 13:58:19 Landing Gear set to down; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Beacon Lights set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Landing Lights set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Navigation Lights set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Strobe Lights set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Taxi Lights set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Wing Lights set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 APU set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Battery set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Transponder set to on; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Autopilot set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 External Power set to off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Engine 1 is off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:19 Engine 2 is off; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts D:0309 13:58:20 Found 14 logs to export, sending now D:0309 13:58:38 Arrived clicked (in on-block) I:0309 13:58:38 Setting on block I:0309 13:58:38 Field: Arrival Gate=Gate 43 (Gate Medium) I:0309 13:58:38 Field: Blocks On Time (Sim)=2025-03-09T13:58:36Z I:0309 13:58:38 Field: Blocks On Time (Real)=2025-03-09T13:58:38Z I:0309 13:58:38 Field: Taxi In Time=3m 33s I:0309 13:58:38 Field: Total Flight Time=01h 16m 03s I:0309 13:58:38 Arrived at gate: Gate 43 (Gate Medium) I:0309 13:58:38 Flight ended manually on taxi in; 47.434470,19.261686; h=172°, a=468.92 ft, s=0.00 kts I:0309 13:58:38 Taxi In Time: 3m 33s I:0309 13:58:38 Current time: "2025-03-09T13:58:36.0000000+00:00" I:0309 13:58:38 Blocks on time: "2025-03-09T13:58:36.0000000+00:00" I:0309 13:58:38 Blocks on time (actual): "2025-03-09T13:58:38.2411089+00:00" I:0309 13:58:38 Flight Time: 01h 16m 03s I:0309 13:58:38 Blocks on time: 2025-03-09T13:58:38Z I:0309 13:58:38 State: On Block (47.434470,19.261686) I:0309 13:58:38 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:58:36Z/2025-03-09T13:58:38Z, Flight Time=01h 16m 03s I:0309 13:58:38 Alt=468.92 ft, Spd=0 kn, HdgT=178°, HdgM=172° D:0309 13:58:38 Arrived clicked (in is arrived) D:0309 13:58:38 Disconnecting from SimConnect I:0309 13:58:39 Creating PIREP summary I:0309 13:58:39 Sim client disconnected D:0309 13:58:39 Found 5 logs to export, sending now I:0309 13:58:39 Creating PIREP summary I:0309 13:58:39 State: Arrived (47.434470,19.261686) I:0309 13:58:39 Time (Sim/Client): 2025-03-09T13:58:36Z/2025-03-09T13:58:38Z, Flight Time=01h 16m 03s I:0309 13:58:39 Alt=468.92 ft, Spd=0 kn, HdgT=178°, HdgM=172° I:0309 13:58:53 TOD Pause set to off I:0309 13:58:53 Changing TOD pause distance to 0 I:0309 13:58:53 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com I:0309 13:58:53 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 13:58:53 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 13:58:53 License file integrity failed D:0309 13:58:53 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm2.png D:0309 13:58:53 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm2.png I:0309 13:58:54 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 13:58:54 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 13:58:54 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 13:58:54 Loading 1 airlines D:0309 13:58:54 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm_dark.png D:0309 13:58:54 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm_dark.png D:0309 13:58:54 Downloading splash banner, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/acars.png I:0309 13:58:54 ACARS uplink disconnected I:0309 13:58:55 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 13:58:55 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 13:58:55 Not connected to uplink I:0309 14:16:07 Profile changing to fsmvirtual.com I:0309 14:16:07 Profile changed to "fsmvirtual.com" I:0309 14:16:07 Loading profile fsmvirtual.com D:0309 14:16:07 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 14:16:07 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 14:16:07 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 14:16:07 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 14:16:07 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds I:0309 14:16:07 Profile changing to null I:0309 14:16:07 Profile changed to "null" I:0309 14:16:07 Profile changing to fsmvirtual.com I:0309 14:16:07 Profile changed to "fsmvirtual.com" I:0309 14:16:07 phpVMS Version: 7.0.2 I:0309 14:16:07 Loaded 21 rules E:0309 14:16:07 License file integrity failed D:0309 14:16:08 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm2.png D:0309 14:16:08 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm2.png I:0309 14:16:08 Loaded pilot Attila K I:0309 14:16:08 Logging into vacentral... D:0309 14:16:08 Connecting to ACARS uplink I:0309 14:16:08 Loading 1 airlines D:0309 14:16:08 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm_dark.png I:0309 14:16:08 ACARS uplink disconnected D:0309 14:16:08 Downloading dashboard logo, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/logofsm_dark.png D:0309 14:16:08 Downloading splash banner, url=https://pilots.fsmvirtual.com/public/assets/fsmvirtual_assets/acars.png D:0309 14:16:10 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding config map path: aircraft D:0309 14:16:10 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding rules path: rules D:0309 14:16:10 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding scripts path: scripts D:0309 14:16:10 F: C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\package.json; Adding sounds path: sounds E:0309 14:16:10 Sounds path doesn't exist, path=C:\Users\Attila\AppData\Local\vmsacars\current\config\default\sounds I:0309 14:16:11 Connected to ACARS uplink E:0309 14:16:13 Error connecting to to ACARS API: Group not found: Invalid channel target W:0309 14:16:13 Not connected to uplink D:0309 14:16:19 Disconnecting from SimConnect Quote
Administrators ProAvia Posted Sunday at 09:38 PM Administrators Report Posted Sunday at 09:38 PM This is a vmsACARS item - it doesn’t belong in phpVMS v2/v5 Support section. it belongs in phpVMS 7, vmsACARS forum. I’ll move it as a one time courteously - please use the correct forum moving forward. Additionally, when needing to post more than a few lines of a log file, upload the log file and provide a link in the forum. It is difficult to read a long log in the forum itself. 1 Quote
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