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admin activity page to only display last 20


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On my admin activity template i would like it only to display the last 20 instead of all activity.

currently the template is the admin/templates/log_index.tpl.

<h3>Admin Activity Logs</h3>

echo 'There is no activity';

<table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter">

foreach($all_logs as $log)
echo "<tr>
		<td width=\"5%\" nowrap>{$log->datestamp}</td>
		<td width=\"5%\" nowrap>".PilotData::getPilotCode($log->code, $log->pilotid)." - {$log->firstname} {$log->lastname}</td>

i'm thinking i need to add something like a getrecentreports, but am lost as to where to start?

Anyone help?


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There is a limit variable built into the function calling the data that is unused in the default install.

On line 26 of Logs.php you will find

$this->set('all_logs', LogData::findLogs($params));

If you look in LogsData.class.php on line 22 you will find

public static function findLogs($params,  $count = '', $start = '')

the $count and $start variables are there to add pagination if you would like or you can use just the $count variable to limit the number of lines returned from the database.

To achieve a limit of data returned you could add the $count variable to your data call in Logs.php line 26 like

$this->set('all_logs', LogData::findLogs($params, '20'));

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