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Hey all,

Before anyone says anything, I did search this topic and read what was there, I also contacted my provider (godaddy) and they said that fast-cgi is not enabled.

So, I appear to be getting the "no input file specified" error. Does anyone have any suggestions.



  • Administrators

Are you on Godaddy's "Grid Hosting" package? That service seems to produce this error a lot. Most every time it is due to how php is compiled and configured on the server.

You can try running www.yoursite.com/install/checkinstall.php and see if it pukes out any errors but the issue is almost positively server side.


yes I am on the grid....I ran checkinstall and got no errors. I asked them about the fast-cgi, and they said it wouldn't be that because it's not included in my package. Do you have any specific things I can go to them with?

  • Administrators

I would start with apache and possible mod_rewrite errors. Do you have any .htaccess files in the file tree? If so, are they configured correctly?

Is the server running PHP5 on Apache 2.2 as CGI mode? Many web hosting companies set this as default; Apache is not going to support “PATH_INFO” in mod_rewrite. In order to solve the problem you can try a custom php.ini file in your root directory (if your host is ok with it) and include the line

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;

in it. This may correct, or at least override the error.

Couple of more questions? Did the application ever work on the server as it is now configured and just quit, or has this issue been present since the initial install attempt?


actually i'm moving from one server to another....I figured I have so much with them I should probably do this there too....and of course it's the new server messing up.

They are going to move me to shared hosting and hopefully that will fix the problem...if not I have your suggestions to try.




No not really competition....I'm going with ACVA or All Canadian Virtual Airways....fictional VA....the flyaircanadava.com is going to forward with a link to my new site.

I'm going to have similar routes and tail numbers, and the same type of aircraft...but with fresh new paint jobs.

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