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What code would i need to add the pilots user group in the profile & signature ?

Would like to make staff members more prominent to the pilots so they can find help easier.

Thanks, Dave.

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Ok, I give up. Somebody help me out here too, lol

He wants to show what the pilot is in the group, so here's how I have done it, and it doesn't still show the group name they are in, so if someone can help us complete the code, thanks!

For siggy

$output[] = 'Pilot Is: ' .$group->groupname;

For php echo for what group is pilot in

I don't know something like this

<?php echo $userinfo->group?>

  • Moderators

Looking at it if Dave upload another background image then this is selectable by the pilots in their profile, it may just be a simple case of uploading another image and getting the staff to use that one.

There is also nothing to stop others from choosing that either so the code could be modified slightly to prevent this along the same line as,

if(!ExamsData::check_admin(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid)) {
           Template::Set('message', '<div id="error" class="mcright"><b>You must an EXAMCenter administrator to access this feature!</b></div><br />');

  • Moderators

Okay to clear it up, I'm trying to get the siggy to show what group (Admin Group) what group is he in, so here's a line of a code for the siggy, and It still does not work, any ideas?

$output[] = 'Pilot Is: ' .$userinfo->group;

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