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Hi guys,

I have made a school boy error today.

I wanted to change my callsign to match with the one I would normally use, i.e. from 5SA0001 (admin) to 5SA389 (which I use) however I saw that I could it on the admin page and just didit with thinking then, I cannot get back into the admin pages, where can I change the settings to accept my new callsign as the admin for the site?






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Hey, go inside your phpVMS database and go to the pilots, and go to edit one of your profiles and change the ID to 1 and you should be back in.


Hi Vansers

Thanks for that, but I must be missing it but I cannot seem to find it any where in the database, I have looked inside 'admin' & 'core' but nothing.

I will keep looking

You need to look in your mySQL database


thanks James,

I dont know a thing about all this so must do some reading soon.

I found the file in mysql but when I changed it to 1 I get the following

SQL query:

UPDATE`fivstar6_phpvms`.`phpvms_pilots`SET`pilotid`='1' WHERE`phpvms_pilots`.`pilotid`=389

MySQL said:

#1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`fivstar6_phpvms`.`phpvms_groupmembers`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_groupmembers_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pilotid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_pilots` (`pilotid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)

so what next?

Now I went to look at the site and all I am getting is a blank page, I think I may have to re-install and start again, at least I saved the schedules, eh!!

thanks for the support guys

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