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Can you protect a .php file, so when an admin logs in they can acess the php file..

This code does not work for .php




Debug::showCritical('Please login first');



if(!PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))


Debug::showCritical('Unauthorized access');




I Really need this, and i cannot make the php file intoa .tpl

If this is possible please let me know



here is what i found to work:

include '../core/codon.config.php';

if(!Auth::LoggedIn() && !PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))
Debug::showCritical('Unauthorized access!');

Everything works fine, and the file is secure, and will only allow admins

However i get this error:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/sfg/public_html/va/Easy_Upload_Templates/unzipper.php:2) in /home/sfg/public_html/va/core/codon.config.php on line 40

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That means there is already a session started, i had this when i force a pilot to view page a before page b, as phpvms starts sessions, just do a google to destroy a session, add that to the top of that code and see what happens.

That means there is already a session started, i had this when i force a pilot to view page a before page b, as phpvms starts sessions, just do a google to destroy a session, add that to the top of that code and see what happens.


Could you help me with this one.... I google searched it and came up with several codes like this: session_destroy();

This does not work by itself, can you show me how to implement that code into:

include '../core/codon.config.php';

if(!Auth::LoggedIn() && !PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))
       Debug::showCritical('Unauthorized access!');


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What seems to be happening is that Easy_Upload_Templates/unzipper.php is starting a session, so does phpvms, you can either try to distroy the Easy_Upload_Templates/unzipper.php session, but im thinking its there for a reason or if the thing is working just put error reporting='0',

At the top of the page put between the php tags,



Thank You Mark!!

That works great, and has got ride of the error,

If any one needs the final code, here it is:

include '../core/codon.config.php';

if(!Auth::LoggedIn() && !PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))
Debug::showCritical('Unauthorized access!');

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