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Pagination of Screensots


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hi there i just need to know how to do pagination for screenshots page only i know for others but using PHP code i cannot i wanted to do pagination for my screenshots page so it will only display 20 items on one page and than create next page for 21st item i hope experts can understand what i wanted to do actually.

Maybe mark1million can help me on this as he has done it already. mark looking forward for your help need proper code please or explanation maybe you can put that in code snippets also.

Thanks in advance


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Got it Mark Thanks so much mate it worked for me also didn't find it before just one more question mark how can i put <a href=""> option on pics when somebody click on them it will open in full screen on another page...?

Forum Members if you got the same problem here is the solution of you also simpilot changed version of screenshots called paginated version.

download from here http://forum.phpvms....10/page__st__80


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