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Login Problem


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This is not my site, I'm just designing it.

When I log in, it gives me the already logged in error. So, I click Pilot Centre, only to be told to login. I can't access the Admin panel to clear cache or anything because of this. It happened after I edited something in the local.config.php (above the do not edit part).


Checking PHP version
[OK] PHP version is 5.2.x

Checking connectivity...
[OK] Can contact outside servers

Checking for SimpleXML module...
[OK] SimpleXML module exists!

Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files
[Checksum failed] /core/common/PIREPData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/RegistrationData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/PilotGroups.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/PilotData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/SettingsData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../core/common/GoogleMapAPI.class.php doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /core/common/SiteData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/FinanceData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/ChartGraph.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/ACARSData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/CentralData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/schedule_results.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/fsfk_log_flightimages.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/finance_summarysheet.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/pirep_viewreport.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/profile_stats.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/fsacars_config.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/fsfk_log_flightplan.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/registration_customfields.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/acarsmap.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/route_map.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/fsfk_log_flightdata.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/email_pilot_retired.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/profile_main.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/fsfk_vaconfig.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/pirep_new.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/pilots_list.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/pilot_public_profile.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/schedule_details.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/login_passwordreset.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/pirep_editform.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../core/classes/ezDB_MySQLi.class.php doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/Debug.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/CodonEvent.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../core/classes/ezDB_Oracle.class.php doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/Util.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/CodonModule.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../core/classes/CodonAJAX.class.php doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/Template.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/news/news.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/Contact/Contact.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/Registration/Registration.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/Pilots/Pilots.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/ACARS/fspax.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/ACARS/xacars.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/Pages/Pages.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/RouteMap/RouteMap.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/maintenance_options.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/awards_allawards.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/ops_aircraftform.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/finance_summarysheet.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_details.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pireps_list.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pages_allpages.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../admin/templates/pirep_processed.tpl doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/finance_expenseform.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/finance_header.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/news_additem.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pirep_edit.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/ops_airportlist.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/import_form.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/settings_customfieldsform.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_addawards.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/downloads_categoryform.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_options.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_pending.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/mailer_form.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/news_list.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_groups.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_awards.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_list.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../admin/templates/pirep_pending.tpl doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/sidebar_ranks.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/finance_expenselist.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/settings_mainform.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/downloads_downloadform.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Finance/Finance.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Downloads/Downloads.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/SiteCMS/SiteCMS.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Import/Import.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../lib/skins/crystal/javascript.tpl doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/jquery_essentials.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ofc/js-ofc-library/ofc.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../lib/js/jquery.impromptu.js doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/acarsmap.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../lib/js/jquery.dimensions.pack.js doesn't exist
[Error] ../lib/js/jquery-ui.js doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /action.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date

-- Checked 164 files, found 94 errors

Any ideas?

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  • 2 years later...

When I try to log in I get the folowing error. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, double checked my PW, Checked to see if windows was up to date, put the file in the AVG exception folder, and login as admin. (the server commited a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR Must be followed by LF)

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