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Step 1 Aircraft buying Mod Version 1.00 !!!!

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Hi, i working hard on the Release of Version 0.92:

here are some Pre Pictures ( a Dream will come true!!! )

Here take a look on the right side!!! This is working now!


Here are the "new" Buying Screen!!!


And here is the New Repair Screen (Fully Working!!!)



We need a pricelist of all Aircrafts with realistic prices. I didn´t find the prices for an A300 for example.

I haven´t my prices till now...

The Money in the Buying screen are working but are in dev status to test all things...

V0.92 Features:

- It´s now for Cargo too!!!!

-Complete new Calculations!!! ( No more automated Aircraft Prices, you must set realistic prices when u create an Aircraft )

-Aircraft repair TIME is fully working!!!!

-VA Money is calculated with Aircraft Prices and Repair Costs!!!

-New Repair Cost calculations (Fully working)

and many more...

What´s my future Features, if possible:

-When u add an aircraft u can choose the type of plane you want and all other data is set automaticaly.

You only write the Registration in it - done.... ( An Global Database where all Admins can add aircrafts???? Or sell it to another VA????? Auctions???? Make PHPVMS GLobal to communicate with other VA??? mmmmmmhhhhhhh)

BUT before i release it,

i must handle to get the Landingstats of a Plane to affect the aircraft condition,

with it, it will the Release Version 1.00!!!! Stable (i hope) ;-)

And we need a place to store aircraft prices!!!


First of all Nighthawk thanks for the news :)

What´s my future Features, if possible:

-When u add an aircraft u can choose the type of plane you want and all other data is set automaticaly.

You only write the Registration in it - done.... ( An Global Database where all Admins can add aircrafts???? Or sell it to another VA????? Auctions???? Make PHPVMS GLobal to communicate with other VA??? mmmmmmhhhhhhh)

but I think some features would need a phpVMS version with Airline Networking abilities (codeshares,aircraftsharing,sharedfinances?,etc) which seems nearly impossible!


@ Tommy, it´s a Dream but not impossible with an "Global Database" for this i think. A Global Chatroom isn´t on a web page isn´t impossible too.

@mattia: I hope, i can release it next week or so.


All functions are working now. It´s now important to fill out the Price in Aircraft edit. All Calculations related to it. Don´t write 0!!! Then there are many errors. The min Price is 1!!!

@Txmmy83 it´s solved!!!


Ups i found a little view bug. Please download it again and overwrite the pireps_list.tpl with the new one. I didn´t delete the Dev View.

When u downloaded it after this post, its ok, you see it in your va view all pireps that there are 3 line only. That´s ok. The fourth is only seen by not accepted pireps.

Now i had to fly to orbi ;-)


getting an error on sql import (using phpmyadmin)



ALTER TABLE `phpvms_aircraft` ADD COLUMN `maint` varchar( 15 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';

MySQL meldet: dot.gif

#1067 - Invalid default value for 'maint'

think it is because of datatype!?


You are right. Open the *.sql file with an editor and change varchar( 15 ) to date .

its 2x times in it, not var(15). I will resolve it in the download in this night because i´m at work till 10pm


date is not enough

correct must be datetime for the initial value ;)


Lol, i want to take a look in my database later when i at home ....

Thats right. Change it to datetime is correct.

I do it all with heidisql it´s much easier as this...

I am getting this in fleet admin when clicking buy

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Operations' does not have a method 'buysellaircraft' in /home/flyeurop/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218

could it be that some files are missing in upload?

- /phpvms/admin/templates/ops_aircraftform.tpl is there

- /phpvms/admin/templates/ops_aircraftlist.tpl is there

not sure about this one:

- /phpvms/admin/modules/operations/operations.php

- /phpvms/core/common/operationsData.class.php

do they need updated if yes they are not included in upload


everything seems working now!

will fly tomorrow to test ;)

one question does revenue of flights increase the Airline Capital?

since the module forced me to reduce my fleet a bit from 37 aircraft to 28



Did you haven´t enough money?

You can zeroing it (Readme).

I did it, too.

But now it´s not cheap to fly. I lowered my expenses to, because i had monthly repair exenses...

It´s a completly different imersion, you will feel it when u land a craft.

Uppps BOING-BOING - THis isn´t cheap anymore lol.

In the repair cost are wheels , damper. Electronic updates, abrasion

and others...

Technicans will be paid and so on...

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