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I am running it as an administrator and I downloaded and installed the latest .NET but I am still having the issue. Now when it pops up I just slide it down off the screen and about my business, but after awhile it will kill FSX.

Guest lorathon

This probably should have been posted in the kACARS forum. I would have seen it awhile ago.

#1 - You have an error on your site somewhere. The top error screen is informing you to contact the administrator of the website with that code. If this is your VA then you have an error that is being transmitted with the XML file.

#2 - The second one is saying that the application can not access the file. I would make sure you are only running the application once. If you have it running twice you may get this error. This may also clear up once you have repaired the error on your site. The app may be hanging on one thread whaing for a response to the initial error message and causing another thread to be denied access to the receive.xml.

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