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CodonEvent:Dispatch Questions [SOLVED]


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If I add a CodonEvent:Dispatch into the ApprovePilot area, will it affect anything to cause errors?

Here's how I have it done...

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_approved', 'PilotAdmin', $_POST);

If I added this, and then add a module listener. Would the CodoEvent:Dispatch work in the 'pilot_approved' area?

Any help would be great! Thanks!

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There is already an event on the admin side when a pilot is approved in PilotAdmin.php on line 632;

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_approved', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot);


You just need to build the hook (listener) in your new module that is looking for the event, something like this in your module;

public function __construct() {
           CodonEvent::addListener('MyNewModuleName', array('pilot_approved'));

public function EventListener($eventinfo) {
           if($eventinfo[0] == 'pilot_approved') {
               //do stuff

Just remember that a module on the pilot side of the system will not catch an event from the admin side, and vice-versa.

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