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NOTE: I have just tested this and it doesn't work. You may need to play around a bit.

Try this:

<script type="text/javascript">
bp='http://www.yoursite.com/lib/signatures/', //base url of your images
imgnum=3, //Number of images. This should match on your comboboxes options.
thumb=document.getElementById('bgimage'), //id of your image that will be changing
combobox=document.getElementById('sig'); // id of your combobox.

bgimage.src=bp+'<?php echo $pilotinfo->code; ?>'+'.png';

For the dropdown:

<dt>Signature Background</dt>
<dd><select id="sig">
	foreach($bgimages as $image)
		if($userinfo->bgimage == $image)
			$sel = 'selected="selected"';
			$sel = '';

		echo '<option value="'.$image.'" '.$sel.'>'.$image.'</option>';
<img src="http://www.yoursite.com/lib/signatures/<?php echo $pilotinfo->code; ?>.png" id="signature">

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