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Clean install - "admin center" login error


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After the clean install, I can not get access to the admin center

- reply with error "An Error Was Encountered Please login first"

( I have tried every combination & possibility I could come up with )

This is the procedure I followed ..

1. Downloaded phpVMS

2. Created a folder http://www.'mywebsite'.co.za/phpVMS

3. Uploaded the extracted files to above with FileZilla

4. Created a database with mySQL v5.3.3 that I called "acars_db1"

5. Created the user/passw as - "acarsadmin" & "admin1234"

6. Through FileZilla I confirmed the file permissions as per the tutorial

(Site owner had all 3 ticked & the other two users ony had the 1st & 3rd ticked)

7. I then ran the install.php file through my web browser (Google Chrome)

8. DB location & name etc all filled in, the user I created there was the same as mySQL user,

namely "acarsadmin" & "admin1234" as password

2 pages on I entered "Acars" (1st name) & "Admin" (last name) & same password "admin1234"

9. After the install wizards finished, I could select to login to "front page" or "admin panel"

10. The only login allowed is ZAV001 (airline code so selected) with the password "admin1234"

11. When I select the "admin center", I get error ..

"An Error Was Encountered Please login first"

12. I tried user "acarsadmin" / "acars" / "admin" as well - "This user does not exist" error received

13. I changed the permission of the "Active pilots" in the DB to the same as the "administrators"

(still no luck)

What am I doing wrong ?

p.s. With the 1st install I created a user with my real name & surname,

that also did not work. I deleted the DB, deleted the folder/s and started from fresh as explained above

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Thanks for the reply.

In desperation I asked a friend (also a phpVMS user) to run the install from his side,

that worked 100%. Then deleted all & I tried again - no luck

So I spend a good part of last night laying awake about this, :blink:

I remembered I had a problem in the past with Google Chrome re. an installation, ;)

so this morning I started IE & yipeeeee .... al OK ! :D

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