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Good Day.

I want to know how can I take some data from acarmaps.tpl to make a PHP Formula to make a calculation.

Something like I want to convert Plane Altitude to Meters.

The Formula is very simple AltitudeMts = AltitudeFeets / 3.28 (Aprox).

acarmaps.tpl Give me <%=flight.alt%> I think this is the plane Actual Altitude. And can be show in the Html Table using <td><%=flight.alt%></td>.

Now The question, How can i assign the <%=flight.alt%> Value ta a PHP variable so I can make the formula using PHP and siplay in a new Row in the html table. ?

Thanks and sorry for my poor english I speak Spanish.


Carlos Garcia

  • Moderators

I belive this is the code that you are looking for to calulate Feet into Meters...


<?php echo round(<%=flight.alt%>/3.28);?>

Give this a go and let us know if it worked for you.


Shouldn't you be able to get a better result if you were to change this (in app.config.php)

# Units settings
#	These are global, also used for FSPAX
Config::Set('WeightUnit', '1');		# 0=Kg 1=lbs
Config::Set('DistanceUnit', '2');   # 0=KM 1= Miles 2=NMiles  <-Change this to 0->
Config::Set('SpeedUnit', '1');		# 0=Km/H 1=Kts
Config::Set('AltUnit', '1');		# 0=Meter 1=Feet 
Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '3');		# 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs
Config::Set('WelcomeMessage', 'phpVMS/FSPAX ACARS'); # Welcome Message
Config::Set('LIQUID_UNIT_NAMES', array('liter','gal','kg', 'lbs'));

and place that in the local.config.php?


Hello Thanks for answer and sorry for my late reply.

Jeff : Yes I know that I can change this values in the Config files. But the Idea is to make some Calculation in the Acars Map, so I can Give the users Altitude Both in meters and Feets.

Kyle . Thanks for you code. But I was trying to assign the value to a variable, I think the way to make it its something like <?php $altmts = round(<%=flight.alt%>/3.28);?> Then I can use the $altmts variable to make another calculations.

Kyle : Yes the code must be in the acarsmap.tpl

The altitude was just a example, im using Xacars so the plane Speed is in Knots, I will try to change this value to Ground Speed so I can Calculate the ETA. Well here I not shure if this works this way, But I will try.

I will give it a try and post my comments Thanks and Sorry again for the late reply.

Carlos Garcia Acevedo

SKBQ Barranquilla Colombia



Trying to convert KIAS to KTAS :

( Ground Speed is what the aircraft travels over the ground. Basically, it is your TAS, plus the effect of the head/tail wind component.) I dont have into account the head/tail wind component... So I really calculating KTAS

Ok trying this but dont work :

I cant use another formula like : A good rule for true airspeed is to add 2% to your KIAS for every 1000ft of altitude. So 100KIAS at 5000ft MLS would be about 110 KTAS.

<?php $alt="<%=flight.alt%>" ;?>
if ($alt >=1 and $alt <=4999) { 
$F =1;
} elseif ($alt >=5000 and $alt <=9999) {
} elseif ($alt >=10000 and $alt <=14999) {
} elseif ($alt >=15000 and $alt <=19999) {
} elseif ($alt >=20000 and $alt <=24999) {
} elseif ($alt >=25000 and $alt <=29999) {
} elseif ($alt >=30000 and $alt <=34999) {
} elseif ($alt >=35000 and $alt <=34999) {
} else {

<!-- Aprox Ground Speed - KTAS -->
<?php $speed ="<%=flight.gs* $F %>";?>
<td> <?php echo $speed ;?> </td>

If I only use :

<?php $speed ="<%=flight.gs%>";?>
<td> <?php echo $speed ;?> </td>

I can see the Fly speed of the plane, But I cant make any calculation with $speed

$speed is a PHP String so I try to Convert to integer This way $speed=$speed + 0 This way $speed now is a Integer value but I cant make any Calculation... ?? Here Im a little Lost.

Any Ideas ?



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