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Hello every!

I have a Virtual Airlines and I am editing the crystal skin. Of course I renamed the file and I know basic php, html, css etc. But one thing I could not figure out was where in the world could I edit the words. So if anyone knows how to replace the text please comment below. I know how to change the layout but I cannot figure out the text.

Take Care and Fly Safe!


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Helps if you tell us what words you want to edit.

The Main text in the middle is the news so you'd edit the news.

Thank you very much. Basically this is what I wanted to edit:

Posted by phpVMS Installer on 11/18/2012

Thanks for installing and using phpVMS!

Check out the docs for help and information on getting started on your VA.

This is just a starter skin - customize yours completely. This is just a basic, barebones example of what a skin is and how it works. Check out the crystal folder in the lib/skins directory. Make your own copy and fiddle around. For help, check out the forum, and skinning docs. Also, be sure to check out the skinning tutorials for a quick primer. The forums are also filled with plenty of helpful people for any questions you may have.

Good luck!


NO that is a news article and you dont have to go through the back end go to your admin center go to NEWS & CONTENT and there you will see News and from there youll see the welcome news that the phpvms installer posted...you can delete it and make a new post ...there is a link on the far upper left that says ADD NEWS and there you will be able to post news

if there is anything on the main page you want to change go to your temlpate files in core/templates/ and there you will see all the .tpl files you need to change any text on the whole site

for the main page its frontpage_main.tpl

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