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  • Moderators

hello nabeel

before we found phpvms we have tride many logsytems for our airline.

on we have used and was build in in our own vms likwise software was xacars


maby something for the future to implement into phpvms

and the nice part of this tracking software is ist alsow compatible with xplane.

gr joeri

  • Administrators

This looks interesting, thanks for the heads up.

Will check it out.

Coincidentally, I'm reinstalling FS so it's ready for the long weekend (takes a while :)), hopefully I'll get the chance to check it out then

  • Moderators

i know its wort looking in to we have used it in a simmular way as fsacars and vms.

a complete finanvial system around it.

gr joeri

  • Moderators

I'm impressed with the ACARS messages but it doesnt record landing rate :(

thats correct the gents who made this only wanted to log the actual flight and nothing els thy told me maaby in the future release it could be implemented

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