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Hi there, I dont know if this is the rigth site to post this message.

Im making a progress tours table, the previous versión work (http://sparkadsl.0lx...progresodetours)

But, i cant make a condition with ten values (ten routes) because not work.

Actually I did that when a pilot complete the last route (the numer ten) the data base send the answer "pilotid" and "accepted", so are two values.

mysql_select_db($database_byethost, $byethost);
$query_Tablafinaltours = "SELECT `phpvms_pireps`.`pilotid` , `phpvms_pireps`.`accepted` FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE ( ( `phpvms_pireps`.`flightnum` ='GB10' ) AND ( `phpvms_pireps`.`accepted` =1 ) ) ORDER BY `phpvms_pireps`.`pilotid` ASC LIMIT 0 , 300";

I want make that a pilot complete all routes to show the tour complete.

Any thing how, If "GB1" (route 1) and "GB2" and "GB3".......................... and GB10 is accepted, then show pilot id and "OK.gif": vistobueno.gif.

I think that sql not have the answer, may be the php code, but i dont have idea about this code.

1- Can any one help me?

2- Other question is, how i can send the flight value in horizontal and not vertical if they have the same name value "flightnum".



Thanks guys, and regards.


Here is how I do the tour complete.

{echo '<td><img src="path to image" width="50" height="16" border="0" title="Tour Complete" /></td>';}

In tour_details.tpl on mine its line 170

Just change the image details.


Hi Eddie, Im not have tour_details.tpl, my table its home made. To image of tour complete i have this:

<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo $row_tabladetours['accepted']; ?><img src='http://sparkadsl.0lx.net/phpvms/lib/skins/templatemo_254_agency/images/vistobueno.gif'></td>

Thanks by answer.

Now I need the answers to the other questions :P

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