Virtual Airlines News
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454 topics in this forum
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GLOBAL AIR Virtual Airlines has arrived. After the devastation on January 13, 2013 of the former Atlas Virtual Airlines website from a hack, GLOBAL AIR very quickly established itself. Literally with hours of the Atlas site going down, administrators were busy uploading schedules, re-establishing airport and fleet files, and accepting registrations from former Atlas pilots. Seven flights were flown that day, and GLOBAL continues to grow and attract new people. Based in Frankfurt, GLOBAL has hubs in New York, Los Angeles, and St. Maartin International in the Caribbean. Future hubs are planned in Asia, Australia and South Africa. We have an extensive schedule of over four…
Last reply by Affix, -
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We are on the virtual airline market since six months and we achieved unexpected goals. More than 800 pilot applications and actually 550 active of them. New challegens are waiting for us, and our need for implementations requires devoted, excited and loyal members to be included in our staff. Actually Webmaster and phpvms programmer are vacant position in our staff. If you want to join a growing community who is imposing is views on the virtual airline market and want to share couple of hours of your spare time weekly you ay be the right person. Also there is vacant a position for graphic designer, a photoshop addicted deeply interested in virtual and real aviation …
Last reply by ThomasZaniboni, -
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In the late hours of last night, myself and my staff (Also with Sava's aid) worked tirelessly over 8 hours to release version 2 of Qantas Virtual. I would like to personally thank Sava Markovic for all he has done for us, designing plugins and also assisting with little flaws and even the porting process. I'd highly recommend him as his work is sublime, his quotes are fair and his professionalism is paramount. I'd like to hear your thoughts
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
- 1 reply
At approximately 18:00 hours UTC today, 13 January 2013, Atlas Virtual Airlines was attacked from outside and all of our databases erased. Our fleet, our schedules, our pilots were all ereased from the server. I would request the system moderators to please check and see if they can determine from where this attack came and notify the relevelant authorities. This is the second time our airline has been attacked in this manner, however, the first time was done internally. This time, it appears to have been from an outside source. Kindly let us know what you can tell us from your end.
Last reply by simpilot,