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Everything posted by AJM101

  1. Anything is possible...
  2. Well I got a few ideas for the system. Here they are: Flight Assignments - You could make the systems so that admins have the ability to assign certain flights to pilots, the flights dont necessarily have to be in the schedule. For example maintaince flights for aircraft. Percentage bar on the flight map - You could include a little percentage bar like the one on vafs on the live flight map to show how much of the flight has been completed. Economy, Executive Class etc. - You could allow the system to have different fares on routes for the different classes and also make an auto generate function for the fares. Aircraft Seat Configurations - Could allow the admins to make certain configurations for their aircraft when their adding an aircraft to the fleet. For example, say i'm adding an A320 to my fleet. I could set the total number of seats to 150 and then 138 seats in Lovebird Economy Class and 12 seats in Executive Business Class. Route Map - A nice route map like the one Virtual WestJet uses would be great. Heres a link to the one Virtual WestJet uses http://www.virtualwestjet.org/flash/routemap/Virtual.WestJet.RouteMap.zip Even if one this advanced couldnt be made a cool route map could be done. Messaging system - A messaging system where Pilots could send messages to fellow pilots or admins, Admins could send messages to pilots or other admins would be great. Flight Frequency(How often flights should be done) - I've asked Nabeel about this alot of times and the answer has always been the same, "This can be done in the notes". In my opinion that is not enough. The staff/admins should be able to tick which days flights should be done. It gives it a more official feeling especially when pilots are bidding for flights. You could also allow the pilots to Bid for flights on Certain day instead of just bidding a flight and doing it whenever. More detail to the financial aspect - I believe you should take a leaf out of VAFs book. They simulated real world finances perfectly. With all the expences and everything, landing fees, ground handling fees etc. Also I think you should control the fuel prices so each va has an accurate, realistic fuel price just like VAFs does. All these ideas would increase the realism in the system significantly, except for the route map, each va owner could get route maps done on their own.
  3. Watched it... Still not quite clear. Anyone wanna help?
  4. Roger Roger. My template is a bit complicated though. Hey you look like a pro, could you help me out?
  5. K i added you on msn.
  6. Is there anybody that would be willing to help implement the system fully into my site? Dave was doing a good job but he didnt have the time. Could someone else help me out?
  7. Hey guys. I run Virtual Air jamaica, www.virtualairj.com. I was wondering if someone could help me skin my site. I have a complete template. Here it is if you wanna take a look http://www.virtualairj.com/index(original).php If you think you can help me please send me a pm or give me your msn. Thank you!
  8. Hey guys. I'm looking for a designer to help me integrate phpvms into my website template. If you have msn feel free to add me, my email address is anthony-stunna@hotmail.com
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