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Everything posted by AJM101

  1. Nabeel, did you look into what I suggested about the ACARS(Xacars) messages in the Admin Panel. Also, I still think you should make the bidding feature more advanced so pilots can choose the day they want to bid for the flight etc.
  2. Yep I get the same thing.
  3. It showed in that movie though. Wasn't it the movie where they hijacked that navy ship?
  4. I get this when I try to accept pilots: Warning: call_user_method_array() [function.call-user-method-array]: Unable to call index() in /home/stunna/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 262
  5. I guess thats why it doesnt work for me.
  6. Yep, no problem. If you want we could run some food to africa, Virtual Air J would be happy to volunteer our wetleased ABX air 767-200F.
  7. I'd love to come, but Virtual Air Jamaica has a tight schedule and two planes under heavy maintenance, sorry we cant make it.
  8. I think this should be in the feature request. I have always thought about this feature and it would be a good idea to have a system where when a pilot is deleted his pilot ID is automatically assigned to the next pilot to register.
  9. AJM101


    Hey guys. I got a guy to do a little temporary site for me while simpilot was skinning my real site. The guy set up vms so that it logs in with pilot id instead of email address and he told me to contact him before I update so he could do something another. simpilot finished my skin and gave it to me to upload but before I uploaded it I figured why not update. I updated then uploaded the skin but now the login wont worth. Niether pilot id nor email address. simpilot seems to be a bit busy and I cant get in touch with the other guy so could someone help me fix this?
  10. AJM101

    Skinning Help

    really? give me some more information about this. Oh never mind. I checked it out, they don't have that info cached...
  11. AJM101

    Skinning Help

    Does google have it archived? What do you mean by that? The link it www.virtualairj.com We have a temporary site up but I need someone to skin my real template.
  12. AJM101

    Skinning Help

    I guess I was a bit careless. I've learned my lesson now though.
  13. AJM101

    Skinning Help

    Would anyone like to help me skin my website? Again. My host, x10hosting, had a backup issue and lost all the files on one of their servers which happens to be with one which my site was on. Roger did it for me before but unfortunately I didnt have the files backed up on my pc.
  14. Instead of an Avatar, how about a Pilot ID?
  15. AJM101

    vaBase skin

    Yea, definitely. But that wouldnt just be a skin would it? It would be a whole different setup.
  16. Question: Nabeel, why dont you just put the changed files and the install file in the update files?
  17. Since Xacars has been integrated, there should be a section in the admin panel for acars messages.
  18. AJM101


    I'm impressed with the ACARS messages but it doesnt record landing rate
  19. AJM101


    Nabeel, this system looks worth looking into. It even sends ACARS messages.
  20. My website has been down over a week now. My host(x10 Hosting) is having problems with their servers.
  21. Virtual Air Jamaica - www.virtualairj.com
  22. Well here are my va stats. * Total Pilots: 39 * Total Flights: 87 * Total Hours Flown: 164.22 Flights just started to pick up the other day.
  23. I think it would also be a good idea if pilots receive an email when flights are accepted/rejected.
  24. Would be cool if the boarding pass was mailed to the pilot who bided for the flight. The way the boarding pass is set up is more like a passenger boarding pass than a pilot boarding pass.
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