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Everything posted by ACVA_CEO

  1. Worked great. Thanks Simpilot
  2. is there any way to change the character limit?
  3. Hi Simpilot I put the code <?php echo substr($subject, 0 , 99); ?> in my popupnews tpl file to no avail. I still can't get the headline to show fully. Do you have any suggestions. Thanks
  4. Hey Joeri, Looks like a well put together and functional site....good luck
  5. ok got that...so "body" is a good variable? And this line is placed directly beneath the orginal call? Thanks
  6. Hi simpilot, the code you mentioned at the top: <?php echo substr($yourvariable, 0, 50); ?> could you tell me where to put it and if any changes need to be made? Thanks
  7. Here at ACVA, we fly the: CRJ-200 CRJ-700 ERJ-175 ERJ-190 737-600 A319-111 A320-200 A321-200 767-300 A330-300 777-200 777-300
  8. You only need to put information in if you are using FSFK, otherwise just comment it out
  9. you don't need to do anything with Kacars.....the tpl connects to kacars and displays current flights.
  10. thanks for the reply.... The mail settings above come directly from my outlook settings.
  11. thanks for the how to....lol....I'll give it a shot now.
  12. no it was not able to send any mail
  13. hey thanks for sharing....however I couldn't get it to work...it kept taking over the page.
  14. Hi everyone, I am having trouble with the system mail. When I send an email, it says it has completed, but no-one ever gets the mail. Here is a clipping from my local.config.php Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true); # Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ; Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'smtpout.secureserver.net'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', 'ceo@flyacva.ca'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', '*********'); if someone could help that would be greatly appreciated.
  15. would you mind sharing how you did that?
  16. And I don't see a powered by phpvms on your main page either
  17. Got it worked out....found an extra </div> that shouldn't have been there.
  18. Hey all, I am trying to make my va site compatable with ie8. The problem I am having is that ie8 takes the parts from the right side and moves them all to the bottom of the page. Could someone take a look and see where I went wrong. The web address is flyacva.ca Thanks a million Chris
  19. Thanks for the help...I'll see what I can do
  20. @mark -- I hear ya....this is killer @lorathon -- would you be willing to share?
  21. Hey everyone, I was wondering if there was any way to add to the active/inactive in the pilot admin? I would like to add a couple more status' than that. Then show the different status on the pilot roster. Chris
  22. yeah I noticed that...I'm going to have to redo it...thx
  23. Hey everyone, New VA, All Canadian Virtual Airways. Currently in the build stage, looking for others to join staff positions as executives, to assist in finishing website to go live. Check the website out at http://flyacva.ca . If you have something to offer and would like to join the staff, or help out of the graciousness of your heart, you can contact me here via PM, emails ceo@flyacva.ca or jobs@flyacva.ca Chris
  24. No not really competition....I'm going with ACVA or All Canadian Virtual Airways....fictional VA....the flyaircanadava.com is going to forward with a link to my new site. I'm going to have similar routes and tail numbers, and the same type of aircraft...but with fresh new paint jobs.
  25. So it's all worked out now. I had to move off of grid hosting and over to legacy hosting. Now it's working at my new server and domain.
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