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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by camiloski04
FlightBookingSystem_V2.0 (Removed from Github due to some issues)
camiloski04 replied to Parkho's topic in Parkho's Addons
hi, in airport search show all aircrafts; how to do for only show aircrafts by rank??? -
how to do but only show aircrafts by my rank=?
hi guys, really i wish to know how to add this (EVENTS) really like to add this for fskeeper report with phpvms anyone knows how???. THANKS !!!
Hi guys, I recently installed phpvms but have one problem; when i am trying to enter to admin panel, login, registrer or other show: No input file specified. Host: God daddy. http://coljet.com.co/tripulacion/install/checkinstall.php thanks please Help!!!
finally resolved as this, I have the same problem, thanks.!
hi, really i dont kwon how to do for that in the live map show the Flight number, dont know how to input the flight number in a Flight plan .pln thanks
Hi I would like to know how to load in the live map the destination, origin, flight number, this always empty. load only the pilot, altitude and speed. Thanks
hi, really i dont know how to do for that in the moment that i connect to to the fskeeper this charge my origen airport destination etc........ automatically as this image: thanks mens
I have the airport successfully added
with every route; <?php /** * These are some options for the ACARS map, you can change here * * By default, the zoom level and center are ignored, and the map * will try to fit the all the flights in. If you want to manually set * the zoom level and center, set "autozoom" to false. * * You can use these MapTypeId's: * http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/v3/reference.html#MapTypeId * * Change the "TERRAIN" to the "Constant" listed there - they are case-sensitive * * Also, how to style the acars pilot list table. You can use these style selectors: * * table.acarsmap { } * table.acarsmap thead { } * table.acarsmap tbody { } * table.acarsmap tbody tr.even { } * table.acarsmap tbody tr.odd { } */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php /* These are the settings for the Google map. You can see the Google API reference if you want to add more options. There's two options I've added: autozoom: This will automatically center in on/zoom so all your current flights are visible. If false, then the zoom and center you specify will be used instead refreshTime: Time, in seconds * 1000 to refresh the map. The default is 10000 (10 seconds) */ ?> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: true, zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>"), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> <div class="mapcenter" align="center"> <div id="acarsmap" style="width:650px; height:500px;"></div> </div> <?php /* See below for details and columns you can use in this table */ ?> <br> <table border = "2" width="100%" class="acarsmap"> <thead> <tr> <td><b>Pilot</b></td> <td><b>Flight Number</b></td> <td><b>Departure</b></td> <td><b>Arrival</b></td> <td><b>Status</b></td> <td><b>Altitude</b></td> <td><b>Speed</b></td> <td><b>Distance/Time Remain</b></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="pilotlist"></tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/acarsmap.js');?>"></script> <?php /* This is the template which is used in the table above, for each row. Be careful modifying it. You can simply add/remove columns, combine columns too. Keep each "section" (<%=...%>) intact Variables you can use (what they are is pretty obvious) Variable: Notes: <%=flight.pilotid%> <%=flight.firstname%> <%=flight.lastname%> <%=flight.pilotname%> First and last combined <%=flight.flightnum%> <%=flight.depapt%> Gives the airport name <%=flight.depicao%> <%=flight.arrapt%> Gives the airport name <%=flight.arricao%> <%=flight.phasedetail%> <%=flight.heading%> <%=flight.alt%> <%=flight.gs%> <%=flight.disremaining%> <%=flight.timeremaning%> <%=flight.aircraft%> Gives the registration <%=flight.aircraftname%> Gives the full name <%=flight.client%> FSACARS/Xacars/FSFK, etc <%=flight.trclass%> "even" or "odd" You can also use logic in the templating, if you so choose: http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/ */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_row"> <tr class="<%=flight.trclass%>"> <td><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view');?>/<%=flight.pilotid%>"><%=flight.pilotid%> - <%=flight.pilotname%></a></td> <td><%=flight.flightnum%></td> <td><%=flight.depicao%></td> <td><%=flight.arricao%></td> <td><%=flight.phasedetail%></td> <td><%=flight.alt%></td> <td><%=flight.gs%></td> <td><%=flight.distremaining%> <?php echo Config::Get('UNITS');?> / <%=flight.timeremaining%></td> </tr> </script> <?php /* This is the template for the little map bubble which pops up when you click on a flight Same principle as above, keep the <%=...%> tags intact. The same variables are available to use here as are available above. */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_bubble"> <span style="font-size: 10px; text-align:left; width: 100%" align="left"> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view');?>/<%=flight.pilotid%>"><%=flight.pilotid%> - <%=flight.pilotname%></a><br /> <strong>Flight <%=flight.flightnum%></strong> (<%=flight.depicao%> to <%=flight.arricao%>)<br /> <strong>Status: </strong><%=flight.phasedetail%><br /> <strong>Dist/Time Remain: </strong><%=flight.distremaining%> <?php echo Config::Get('UNITS');?> / <%=flight.timeremaining%><br /> </span> </script> <?php /* This is a small template for information about a navpoint popup Variables available: <%=nav.title%> <%=nav.name%> <%=nav.freq%> <%=nav.lat%> <%=nav.lng%> <%=nav.type%> 2=NDB 3=VOR 4=DME 5=FIX 6=TRACK */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="navpoint_bubble"> <span style="font-size: 10px; text-align:left; width: 100%" align="left"> <strong>Name: </strong><%=nav.title%> (<%=nav.name%>)<br /> <strong>Type: </strong> <?php /* Show the type of point */ ?> <% if(nav.type == 2) { %> NDB <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 3) { %> VOR <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 4) { %> DME <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 5) { %> FIX <% } %> <% if(nav.type == 6) { %> TRACK <% } %> <br /> <?php /* Only show frequency if it's not a 0*/ ?> <% if(nav.freq != 0) { %> <strong>Frequency: </strong><%=nav.freq%> <% } %> </span> </script> </p>
please give mi, i cant found this!
hi, i dont know why in the live map dont show the departure and the arrival?
yeah man it is correct but when i add a bid in the REALScheduleLite the other pilots also can to add the same bid
hello, thank you all for your help, now I want to know how to add a driver for when a bid, the other pilots can not add the same bid.
Hi I have a problem is that when I have more than one route per aircraft is SKBO HK4535-SKCL, SKBO-SKRG, SKBO-SKBG, and the time to add a bid only shows me one of those, and if I wanted to SKBO -SRKG I can not add the bid because I only show the first route. another thing also happens if I add a bid the bid is still available for the other riders then may be 3 or 4 pilots doing the same routein the the same plane . thanks www.searca-virtual.com/tripulacion
yeah but i like to create a route for all aircrafts
I have understood how to add a route but I have to add a route for each aircraft you have, then I want is to add a route for each type of aircraft example because SKRG 9200 SKBO route here and show me the aircraft for this route
hello friends wanted to thank you for all your help I have gradually managed to create a template and have been modified to be attractive, now I wonder if there is any way to create routes for each aircraft not if not for each type, also if somehow generated codes of the pilots is EJ HUBs for pilots who choose SKBO PTL9100 HUB and HUB pilots who choose SKMD 9200. thanks I leave my template link http://searca-virtual.com/tripulacion/
not be trying to add two or more aircraft with the same registration aircraft shows that !not be trying to add two or more aircraft with the same record shows that aircraft!
hello friends I have a question, you can change that by adding to Schedules are to choose the type of aircraft, since apparently touches to the route for each aircraft while on the serious type that is easier to add the Schedules for all B737-700 and not per registration. Thanks
hi, today i install the RealScheduleLite_1.0 in my phpvms http://searca-virtual.com/tripulacion/, meeting according to the add on I'm in SKBO, but when you add a bid me say I'm not at that airport. really do not understand, add pictures. another question how do I add a hub, so when the drivers to register may be registered in one of three that has my airline hubs, add picture because at the time leaves no add a HUB. thanks for your help