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  1. Ok, after finding out my old installtion of PHPvms did not work with php 5.5, i installed a new version using the simpilots group version. I am using my exisiting database for this installation However, in the admin section, there is no option to manage my fleet in the airline operations section as per before?
  2. thanks, that fixed that. Now when I Bid for a flight, i get Strict Standards: Non-static method SchedulesData::setBidOnSchedule() should not be called statically in /home1/ukmilorg/public_html/vms/core/common/SchedulesData.class.php on line 853 Bid added
  3. that seems to have got the site working but not when I approve a Pirep I get Strict Standards: Non-static method PilotData::generateSignature() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home1/ukmilorg/public_html/vms/admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php on line 316
  4. Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /home1/ukmilorg/public_html/vms/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 436
  5. ok, so my server was updtate to PHP 5.4 now i get Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES I understand this is due to PHP 5.4, and I have read there are workarounds somewhere, but I cannot find any information on this forum on how to fix it. Does anyone have any ideas what needs changing to fix this issue
  6. my VMS was hacked overnight. A member got a momentary message as a replaced home screen, saying 'HACKED BY *******'. Then a few minutes later, no pages found. I have gone into my server this morning, and ALL pages are gone. Nothing exisits. It looks like someone executed a DELETE ALL cmd on the VMS. Now given the rest of my 'normal' website is untouched, running on the same server, then I can confidently say, the access came via VMS. Luckily my server runs daily backups, so I can recover it, but you need to look at fixing the hole that seems to have been found by hackers
  7. I have some issues with PIREPS once a pirep has been accepted, I can not delete or amend it Another staff member has approved them, but I want to delete them as they are not compliant. So, i go to RECENT PIREPS, and select REJECT I fill in the comment, and press REJECTTHIS REPORT. The comment is added to the comments list, but the reports remains if I choose to DELETE the pirep, it does indeed delete from the screen at that moment. but if I re-load the recent PIREPS page, they come back the only way at present to do this is via MYSQL, which is not ideal any ideas?
  8. I could probably do these, but as most are payware, I would have to purchased them all first, which would have to be factored into the cost
  9. I have tried this, and it shows ok, but I tried to change an inactive pilot to active. I chose EDIT next to him, and changed the status to ACTIVE. I saved it, and got a message saying pilot edited OK But he is STILL INACTIVE? any ideas
  10. no. no add on. we have a fleet. Pilots log onto Kacars, and create their own charter flight. The then select an aircraft that is located at the same airport they are from it's last pirep. They then fly it to a new location. They are then free to do another flight from that location, but could use any other aircraft that is located there.
  11. thats not how my VA works. we use Charters so people pick their own routes and select an aircraft that happens to be parked there. But that aircraft will not be moved until the Pirep is authorised, meaning someone else can come along in between and select the same aircraft for their charter, and fly somewhere else
  12. just one thing we noticed in my VA. Sometimes it can take 12 hours for an admin to authorise a Pirep on my VA, no major drama;s But, if a pilot flies from A to B, and the pirep is not yet validated by Admin, the aircraft still shows available to others at A Is there are way to lock out any aircraft pending pireps, until authorised, to stop duplicate use?
  13. ok, i am lost here i downloaded your module, then in the VATSIM module file, i changed the URL to my TXT file. I uploaded the files to my server But, where do i put those example lines such as ?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_livemap', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', ''); ?> where do i put this?
  14. .ok, i am lost here i downloaded your module, then in the VATSIM module file, i changed the URL to my TXT file. I uploaded the files to my server But, where do i put those example lines such as ?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_livemap', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', ''); ?> where do i put this?
  15. there are maps available on out there, but no one will release the code. I think it actually uses PHP and Java. We use PHPVMS to track the hours etc, but we fly online together, using FSINN, which is a FSD based server. FSINN creates a TXT file called WHAZZUP.TXT with the data of all the players, like co-ords, speed, alt etc The script then takes this, and displays it on a map, just like PHP VMS, but uses the data in the TXT file. You can see an example here http://xfsd.ansorg-web.de/fsdmap/
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