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Posts posted by mt007

  1. 2 hours ago, ProAvia said:



    Your issues come down to your install. Most probably your MySQL/MariaDB version and Strict Mode settings. Talk with your host and ask them to turn Strict Mode off, then test again. You statedin one of your other threads that youare using MariaDB 10.4 - that is probably the issue.


    Keep all your issues in one thread - as they are all caused by the same thing. It's either the MariaDB version or Strict Mode.

    Hi Pro, 

    I spoke with my host and don't go change Strict because must change for all his costumers. 


    So about MariaDB what do you suggest? 




  2. 12 hours ago, bwilber said:

    kACARS works fine. The map isn't what it used to be, but the flights do show up on it. FSAcars does now as well.

    You don't have problems with your database? You can send Pirep? 





  3. phpVMS version : Simpilot 5.5.2
    PHP version: php5.6
    MySQL or Maria DB version: MariaDB 10.4.17
    Skin used: Crystal




    using kACARS or CCFTracker i see this error:


    Error: (1406) - Data too long for column 'lat' at row 1


    In phpmyadmin i have a table phpvms_acarsdata and in column lat and lng VARCHAR(15).


    I change to VARCHAR(7) but error remain.


    In log.txt for see error i find coordinates like this one; '39.8207508932871','-8.88761192976597'


    How to fix this, anyone know's?


    Thanks guys.





  4. 6 hours ago, bwilber said:

    I found out something this week about FSAcars and the way it works (or doesn't) with PHPVMS v.2. If your registration number is too long, FSAcars will truncate it, and when you go to send the pirep, the registration won't match with the one in the database. As a result, it will enter a 0 as the aircraft id into the phpvms_pirep table. Since there are no aircraft with a 0 for an id, the system will nut up and that pirep will need to be edited to show the proper aircraft before it can be approved.

    Just something to keep in mind if you get that error. kACARS seems to work fine.

    Hi bwilber,

    live map works fine with your kACARS?


    Mine don't show aircraft neither flight data. 


    Any idea?




  5. 22 hours ago, ProAvia said:

    1 - Did you install the cACARS module on your site?

    2 - I am not familiar with cACARS. Does cACARS show it is connected to your site?


    3 - Make sure error reporting it turned on in your hosting settings. 

    4 - Check the local.config.php file and post the entry for error reporting here.


    Hi ProAvia,

    1 - Yes and with kACARS happen the same problem.

    I received emails from hosting or vms with report .

    But in Admin nothing to accept and in pilot center no report exist


    2 - yes both programs, cACARS and kACARS connect (in url we must put http://www.website.com/vms/ or http://www.website.com/ ??????

    3 - how i do it?

    4 - what do you mean?



    I see log (core/logs/log.txt) and see this error: 

    Time: 12.01.20 13:43:39
    Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > ACARSData::updateFlightData > CCFTracker->posrep > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions
    Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_acarsdata (`pilotid`,`flightnum`,`pilotname`,`aircraft`,`lat`,`lng`,`heading`,`alt`,`gs`,`depicao`,`arricao`,`deptime`,`arrtime`,`route`,`distremain`,`timeremaining`,`phasedetail`,`online`,`client`,`depapt`,`arrapt`,`lastupdate`) VALUES ....... all correct but at end i see this: Error: (1364) - Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value


    in mysql table phpvms_schedules Default is NULL and are wright this inside field route_details a:0:{}


    Thanks for your time.




  6. 22 hours ago, ProAvia said:

    Glad you got it working.


    There are several freeware ACARS around - as well as a couple payware options.

    Freeware - kACARS_Free, CCFTracker and others

    Payware - smartCARS

    These are the ones I know of. A forum search make provide additional options.


    Hi ProAvia,

    - Live map in Crystall, no traffic.

    Im connected using cACARS but no see my plane in live map.



    I make this changes like here https://gist.github.com/nabeelio/8b7ab29fb67dfe27284d63d7136388dc

    But no traffic.


    - And final flight i send Pirep, see message Pirep sent to VA, but then in ADMIN or Pilot Center no pirep too.


    Any idea?

    Thanks my friend.



  7. Im try PHP 5.6, and schedule no work neither.


    I see this error:


    There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value




    There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Incorrect double value: '' for column `vpoaf_vms`.`phpvms_schedules`.`price` at row 1


    I have no ideas.


    What do you suggest to install? From zero.




  8. 19 hours ago, ProAvia said:

    Are you using phpVMS 5.5.2 or


    PHP version?

    MySQL or MariaDB version?


    Do you have error reporting on?
    Any errors in the error_log files?


    I'd be willing to bet it may be a strict mode issue - but need more info from you.... see questions above.



    phpVMS versin: Version simpilot 5.5.2

    PHP Version: 7.2

    MySQL or MariaDB version: MySQL i think.


    Im very sorry, but aircraft now works fine and i don´t know why..


    In Admin:
    Schedule continue don´t working.

    After i add a flight, i see this message: Flight "xxx" Added, on green colour, but in table list (view Schedules) nothing apear. 

    In public area i see this message: "No routes have found!"


    Any idea ?


    Thanks very much for help.




  9. On 11/22/2020 at 1:19 PM, servetas said:

    Maybe the aircraft table of your database is currepted or there is an issue the primary/foreign keys. Would you like to pm me your cpanel/phpvms details to check it out for you? As soon as I check it, I will post the solution so the community is aware of the issue and the resolution of it.


    I have send PM to you.



  10. Hi,

    you have an erro in code:

    query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = '$month' AND YEAR(submitdate) = '$year'";

    The right code is:

    $query = "SELECT * FROM .TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = '$month' AND YEAR(submitdate) = '$year'";

    Now work wonderful.

    Thx very much for you help.

    One doubt please:

    I have this in airline stats: Total Fuel Burned: 31782.3054199219

    How i can see less numbers?


  11. Hi,

    i have done that and work.

    I have put sopy files out of original folders.

    But noe i have this problem:

    In this month, May, i have done 2 flights but dot apear in list.

    Only this info: No Pireps Filed For May 2012

    Is not possible.

    Because i have done 2 flights.

    Any idea?

    Thx very much.

    King regards.

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