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Everything posted by padsquad43

  1. I was wondering what it would take to send a specific device (iPhone) to its own unique site. I have the code that recognizes the iPhone, but what files would I have to edit/make for a separate site. I use my iPhone a lot as I am not home often, so it would be convenient for me to have a more iPhone friendly site, both bandwidth and ease of use. I've done this before with a layout website, made by hand, but it seems to be more complicated for phpVMS. Any help appreciated! Thanks.
  2. Haha yea. know where I can learn it and ~ how long it would take
  3. On the requirements page, it notes you need PHP5+ (5.2 recommended), MySQL 4.1+ with InnoDB, and points out PHP safe mode should be off. FTP is also needed(duh) and the page also suggests GD Image Library and allow_url_fopen set to ON. At least 500MB should be enough space, and as for bandwidth, don't let 43728907893GB trick you. When there's a lot of bandwidth/space, it usually lacks features.
  4. I can read it, but can't speak it. Maybe I'll take the time soon to get to know PHP over the next few weeks. Nice program though!
  5. isn't that why we're all here?
  6. Hmmm...I'll probably just make it static for now. If anyone could help me make a dynamic one that would be great! Thanks.
  7. I'm currently testing it on 50gigs.net works great as far as i can tell I plan on upgrading to paid since it's so cheap!
  8. Upcoming virtual airline using the best VA software, phpVMS.
  9. http://www.fusionairways.com/ something like that. Also I saw an airline that lets its pilots book a flight and be able to actually sit in the plane in flight simulator with other passengers and the pilot.
  10. I've seen this on virtual airlines, and it didn't look static. There's no way I'd be able to get it to work with the schedule in my virtual airline and make it dynamic? I'm sure I'd be able to do it in HTML if it's not possible. BTW, I'm purchasing my domain tonight:D
  11. Does anyone know if it's possible to have a passenger boarding thing on the front page? I'm kinda weak and only know basic HTML and some CSS I guess. I can edit things on a small level, so I don't think I can figure this one out on my own. Thanks.
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