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Everything posted by loplo

  1. Sorry, I wasn't clearly enough. I would like to know what folders and files do I have to make writable.
  2. Hi, I have moved my stuff to a new server, backup woked great. Could anyone tell me how to chmod the files/folders on the new host. Just wanna be sure that everything will work smooth. Thanks.
  3. try to think and act alone. Q1. why is the link broken? A1. because it says phpvms.net/forum Q2. what is the path to the forum? A2. until some time it was phpvms.net/forum but now it has it's own subdomain: forum.phpvms.net Q3. and the solution is!?!?!?!? A3. move the "forum" before phpvms.net and put a DOT between them
  4. Thanks for the fast reply. I hope this solves the problem. Last last thing I did, it was the addition of XXXplanes.txt (XXX=airline ICAO). By the way, is there a way to make phpVMS generate this file? It would be very helpful.
  5. Hi, I have a big problem, after releasing parking brake, my FSACARS dissappears. Anyone with the same problem?
  6. loplo

    Live map

    I have some problems regarding the Live map. When some of my users are flying they appear twice. Once with the actual flightplan and once with all blank. I've deleted all the prireps and it still shows this info. See attached image
  7. Hi is there a way to send an email to the admin group users when: - new user registration is pending - new prirep approval is pending? Regards,
  8. Great, thanks a lot.
  9. Can you tell me how to do that? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi! First of all let me thank You for this utility. I have one question regarding the schedules: Is there possible that on the "Add Schedule" section, the "Equipment: " filed to filter only the Aircraft ICAO Code. This raises some problems for our VA. I give you an example. Let's say my HUB is LROP. One of my flights, a 737, reg XX-YYY today is flying the LROP-EHAM-LROP route, but tomorrw will fly the LROP-LIRF-LROP route and something else will fly the LROP-EHAM_LROP. In real life you have only the AC type under the Equipment not the exact aircraft that is flying that route.
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