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Everything posted by loplo

  1. Myself and my VA testers have the following error. After completing the flight FSacars wont send the log. Going back to the log page, we get and everything is empty Pressing "send log" again , the log is being sent and is being submitted for validation. Anyone knows the cause and has solutions? The log.txt gives me: ===== Time: 06.24.10 20:15:59 ===== Time: 06.24.10 20:15:59 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PilotData::updateProfile > Auth::ProcessLogin > Login->ProcessLogin > Login->login > Login->index > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: UPDATE phpvms_pilots SET `lastlogin`=NOW(), `lastip`='' WHERE `pilotid`= Error: (1064) - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 ===== ===== ===== Time: 06.25.10 11:43:43 ===== Time: 06.25.10 11:43:43 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PilotData::updateProfile > Auth::ProcessLogin > Login->ProcessLogin > Login->login > Login->index > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: UPDATE phpvms_pilots SET `lastlogin`=NOW(), `lastip`='' WHERE `pilotid`= Error: (1064) - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 ===== ===== ===== Time: 06.25.10 14:01:32 ===== Time: 06.25.10 14:01:32 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PilotData::updateProfile > Auth::ProcessLogin > Login->ProcessLogin > Login->login > Login->index > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: UPDATE phpvms_pilots SET `lastlogin`=NOW(), `lastip`='' WHERE `pilotid`= Error: (1064) - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 ===== =====
  2. We are not accepting manual pireps.
  3. We also reject over -800f/m, but until -800 we would like to reach into the pilot's pockets.
  4. Maybe this is a future request. Is there a way to introduce a penalty on hard landings? At our VA, the maximum allowed landing rate is -500f/m. We would need something that will reduce the pilots income on hard landings. Let's say: - between -1f/m and -500f/m 0 penalty - between -501f/m and 550 f/m 50 penalty ............... - more than 800f/m pirep automatically refused.
  5. Donno what happened, anyway, works, now. What I did: - deleted all the schedules - added 1 manually - deleted the manually added - reimported schedule
  6. As of today my schedules page is empty. In the backend, everything looks OK, tried to reimport schedules - all the same, tried to delete the schedules and reimport same crap. The only thing that works, is to create a schedule manually. Does anyone have this problem? Any help appreciated. PS, version: 2.0.877
  7. loplo

    latest skin

    I'll try with revision 874. I hope it won't mess my site up.
  8. loplo

    latest skin

    I'm using Version 2.0.854
  9. loplo

    latest skin

    Thanks for the template. Looks great. I have a problem: on the "Current Flights" I get the following message:"We are sorry, but we don't have maps at this zoom level for this region. Try zooming out for a broader look." No matter how out I zoom, I get the same message. This error is not shown on other templates.
  10. loplo

    latest skin

    Nice looking skin. Will be there an option for IVAO?
  11. Thanks, I had 5.1.6 updated to 5.2.9 and works like charm.
  12. Hi guys, I have a problem importing the schedule. the error looks like this: Manual airport addition works. I'm running the latest version of phpvms
  13. It worked. Thanks.
  14. paste2.org was blocked by my antivirus/firewall. Pasted the code @ http://pastebay.com/61048
  15. I think it will be better if I give you a ftp user/pass so you can test it dight on server.
  16. I changed in the pilot_public_profile.tpl this: <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png';?>" alt="No Avatar" /> with this: <?php if(!file_exists(SITE_ROOT.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png')) { echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/pilotavatar.png" alt="No Avatar" />'; } else { echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png'.'" alt="No Avatar" /> '; } ?> Donno where is the bug hidden.
  17. I did not alter the template. Same thing appears with "Crystal".
  18. This one did not upload any avatar and that's why the default is showed. <td valign="top" align="center"> <img alt="No Avatar" src="http://www.ivao.ro/blueair/lib/avatars/pilotavatar.png"/> <br/> <br/> <img alt="" src=""/> </td> I didn't see any error, but one of my testers is using Iexplorer and he gets the red X below the avatars.
  19. The output HTML looks like this: <td valign="top" align="center"> <img src="http://www.ivao.ro/blueair/lib/avatars/JOR001.png"/> <br/> <br/> <img src=""/> </td>
  20. Hi guys, My code looks like this: <?php if(!file_exists(SITE_ROOT.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png')) { echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/pilotavatar.png" alt="No Avatar" />'; } else { echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png'.'" alt="No Avatar" /> '; } ?> It displays the pilotavatar.png for the pilots without avatar, but below the missing image (red X) is still there. What to do?
  21. Yes, I can block it, but I have to block each Pilot. Really appreciate it, that you will integrate this as an option in the future releases.
  22. Hi, I have a small request. Let's say A is my HUB and B is one of many destinations. Pilot0001 places a bid for the A-B flight. He finishes the flight, after that he books the flight A-C. Is there a way to block bookings until the returs flight is finished?
  23. Brilliant! Saved my day.
  24. Hi, I chaged my host and now on the schedules page I get: .Anyone has an idea why is this happening to me?
  25. Thanks! I knew I saw it somewhere
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