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Everything posted by Simnut

  1. Massive help! Thank you very much
  2. Where does the .css go?
  3. Nice one! Thanks!
  4. Hi, your posts were essential to me getting set up but I have one problem that wasn't in the thread. In my phpVMS Admin Panel I get the following; "Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: <font color=ff0000>" Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Never mind, found the answer with a search, my bad!
  5. Thanks, I got around that once I found the post. However I'm locked out of the Admin end, any thoughts?
  6. Hi, I've tried to install and failed at the first hurdle it seems. I'm getting the following error "Fatal error: Class 'DB' not found in /var/www/vhosts/25/321342/webspace/httpdocs/flightsimulation.buzz/Buzz_Air/core/common/SettingsData.class.php on line 28" Any advise would be welcome indeed!
  7. I had to change my database password server side and now get thrown an error trying to connect to phpvms. Where can I change the password in phpvms to reflect the server side change?
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