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Everything posted by homer09001

  1. i used an 80x80 and it worked, probly because it didn't need to resize it? ive tried 160x160 and it did upload, and i've tried 90x90, and 90x89 and it uploads them all :S what i can't understand is it wont upload and resize: 1030x784?
  2. if i call me e-mail template from my module how can i disable the default e-mail being sent, because surely if i set my module to call the template it will send 2 e-mails?
  3. its set to: Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); no error messages show on the page at all. if i resize the image to 80x80 then upload it works just as wrenchca mentioned which would suggest its a problem with the image resizing.
  4. I'll try it when I get home got 2 1/2 hours left at work
  5. Hhhm think I'll try uploading an 80x80 later when I get home, so far all the images I try are larger than that.
  6. Thanks Nabeel, i've had a quick look and think i know what i need to do, i'll have a proper look tonight when i finish work. i was thinking of using: GetPilotByEmail ( $email) but how do i use it? $pilotdata = GetPilotByEmail ( $email);? if so remind me how i get the id from that? THanks
  7. yep, if you like i can give you FTP access and login details for the site?
  8. It's not worked since i installed, I've tried it on 3 different installation and it doesn't work on any. .png - no upload.
  9. For a stock installation of PHPVMS yes should be more than enough, but if that is to include your database then it could limit the size of your VA, the more pilots you employ the bigger the database size. how much you paying for this new hosting, i only pay $10 a month with my current host and have unlimited shared hosting? or for an extra $10 a month i can get dedicated hosting?
  10. Ok i have tried the following formats: .bmp - obviously didn't work .jpg - no upload .gif - again no upload and for all types no files were to be found in the Avatars folder? the url the image placeholder in the pilot center is pointing to: http://ge.dth-scripts.com/OpsCenter/lib/avatars/GLE0011.png OpsCenter being the base folder of PHPVMS
  11. Does this proplem vary between installations as I managed to make a new group ok last night?
  12. If I remember rightly the broken image pointed to the avatars folder, I was trying jpgs and no file was written to the folder, I'm at work at the moment, will be finished in an hour and a half so will try anouther format when I get home.
  13. Sorry no error messages just a broken image placeholder in the pilot center, and no uploaded image?
  14. Very nice!! One thing though if it's not already on you to-do list: replace the default title images the clue ones, they don't go with your theme. Otherwise nice job
  15. For some reason I can't get avatars working for some reason? The avatars folder is set to 777 but it still doesn't seem to work?
  16. Ok problem solved, there is a small modification required to "core/common/RegistrationData.class.php" 1. Find the following code: public static function SendEmailConfirm($email, $firstname, $lastname, $newpw='') { /*$firstname = Vars::POST('firstname'); $lastname = Vars::POST('lastname'); $email = Vars::POST('email');*/ $confid = self::$salt; $subject = SITE_NAME . ' Registration'; Template::Set('firstname', $firstname); Template::Set('lastname', $lastname); Template::Set('confid', $confid); $message = Template::GetTemplate('email_registered.tpl', true); //email them the confirmation Util::SendEmail($email, $subject, $message); } 2. Replace with: public static function SendEmailConfirm($email, $firstname, $lastname, $newpw='') { /*$firstname = Vars::POST('firstname'); $lastname = Vars::POST('lastname'); $email = Vars::POST('email');*/ $confid = self::$salt; $subject = SITE_NAME . ' Registration'; $getplid = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX ."pilots WHERE firstname='$firstname' AND lastname='$lastname' AND confirmed='0'"; $plid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($getplid)); $plid = $plid['pilotid']; Template::Set('firstname', $firstname); Template::Set('lastname', $lastname); Template::Set('confid', $confid); Template::Set('pilid', $plid); $message = Template::GetTemplate('email_registered.tpl', true); //email them the confirmation Util::SendEmail($email, $subject, $message); } 3. Save and Close all files. Now it should work 100%, Sorry about that :S Readme in Download file has been modified to show code change required.
  17. hmm, i never had that problem when i tested it, i know it still leaves the ability for admin to approve but once user activates it should allow them to log in correctly etc. i'll install a test installation of PHPVMS and try it see what happends. my replys might be late today, as im off to work in an hour. What version of PHPVMS are you using, the latest full build or Beta?
  18. Ahhh that was the problem, only remaing problem i have now is getting the links at the bottom to stay under the table as they keep moving over the copyright etc :S
  19. I've given that a try and i can't make a heads or tails of it, no matter what i try even copying the code from the demo pages they provide yet it doesn't work? as far as i can tell all the file references are corerct <? class Flights extends CodonModule { public function Controller() { $schedules = SchedulesData::GetSchedules('', true); if(!is_array($schedules)) return false; ?> <h3><?php echo $title?></h3> <?php if(!$schedules) { echo '<p id="error">No schedules exist</p>'; return; } ?> <style type="text/css">@import "/OpsCenter/core/modules/Flights/docs/assets/css/default.css";</style> <style type="text/css">@import "/OpsCenter/core/modules/Flights/addons/pager/jquery.tablesorter.pager.css";</style> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery-latest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.dimensions.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/OpsCenter/core/modules/Flights/addons/pager/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("tabledlist") .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']}) .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")}); }); </script> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Flight Number</th> <th>Departure</th> <th>Arrival</th> <th>Days</th> <th>Aircraft</th> <th>Distance</th> <th>Times Flown</th> <th>Details</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($schedules as $sched) { ?> <tr id="row<?php echo $sched->id?>" class="<?php echo ($sched->enabled==0)?'disabled':''?>"> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->code . $sched->flightnum; ?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->depicao; ?> (<?php echo $sched->deptime;?>)</td> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->arricao; ?> (<?php echo $sched->arrtime;?>)</td> <td align="left"><?php echo Util::GetDaysCompact($sched->daysofweek)?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->aircraft.' ('.$sched->registration.')'; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->distance; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->timesflown; ?></td> <td align="center"> <?php echo $sched->flighttype . ' ('.$sched->maxload.'/'.$sched->price.')'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div id="pager" class="pager"> <form> <img src="/OpsCenter/core/modules/Flights/addons/pager/icons/first.png" class="first"/> <img src="/OpsCenter/core/modules/Flights/addons/pager/icons/prev.png" class="prev"/> <input type="text" class="pagedisplay"/> <img src="/OpsCenter/core/modules/Flights/addons/pager/icons/next.png" class="next"/> <img src="/OpsCenter/core/modules/Flights/addons/pager/icons/last.png" class="last"/> <select class="pagesize"> <option selected="selected" value="5">5</option> <option value="20">10</option> <option value="30">15</option> <option value="40">20</option> </select> </form> </div> <? } } ?>
  20. to be perfectly honest i don't know about the XML lol i was just copying some of the code from the admin listing page, i thought it was needed but now i realise its not. Ill have a look at that link you posted and let you know how i get on.
  21. Im trying to create a page viewable from the main site of all the flights in the system, which i've done, but i only want to view X at a time with next and prev links undereath is this possible with the way PHPVMS is done? or would it be easer to do it in my own code? my current code: <? class Flights extends CodonModule { public function Controller() { $schedules = SchedulesData::GetSchedules('', true); if(!is_array($schedules)) return false; foreach($schedules as $sched) { $vars = get_object_vars($sched); $xml .= '<schedule>'.PHP_EOL; foreach($vars as $name=>$val) { $val = strip_tags($val); if($name == 'id' || $name == 'leg' || $name == 'enabled' || $name == 'flighttime' || $name == 'timesflown' || $name == 'depname' || $name == 'deplat' || $name == 'deplong' || $name == 'arrname' || $name == 'arrlat' || $name == 'arrlong') { continue; } $xml .= "<{$name}>{$val}</{$name}>".PHP_EOL; } $xml .= '</schedule>'.PHP_EOL; } $xml .= '</schedules>'; ?> <h3><?php echo $title?></h3> <?php if(!$schedules) { echo '<p id="error">No schedules exist</p>'; return; } ?> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Flight Number</th> <th>Departure</th> <th>Arrival</th> <th>Days</th> <th>Aircraft</th> <th>Distance</th> <th>Times Flown</th> <th>Details</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($schedules as $sched) { ?> <tr id="row<?php echo $sched->id?>" class="<?php echo ($sched->enabled==0)?'disabled':''?>"> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->code . $sched->flightnum; ?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->depicao; ?> (<?php echo $sched->deptime;?>)</td> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->arricao; ?> (<?php echo $sched->arrtime;?>)</td> <td align="left"><?php echo Util::GetDaysCompact($sched->daysofweek)?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $sched->aircraft.' ('.$sched->registration.')'; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->distance; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $sched->timesflown; ?></td> <td align="center"> <?php echo $sched->flighttype . ' ('.$sched->maxload.'/'.$sched->price.')'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <? } } ?> its just a slightly modified version of the admin schedule list.
  22. you could manualy write the SQL query and run it in PHPMyAdmin but then its going to be slower than doing them in the system, and harder.
  23. A little modification I made to the rank editing page on the Admin panel I thought I would share. 1. Open "/admin/templates/ranks_allranks.tpl" 2. Find this code: <tr> <th>Rank Title</th> <th>Minimum Hours</th> <th>Pay Rate</th> <th>Total Pilots</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> 3. Replace with: <tr> <th>Rank Title</th> <th>Minimum Hours</th> <th>Rank Image</th> <th>Pay Rate</th> <th>Total Pilots</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> 4. Find the following code: <td align="center"><?php echo $rank->rank; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $rank->minhours; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT').$rank->payrate.'/hr'; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $rank->totalpilots; ?></td> <td align="center" width="1%" nowrap> 5. Replace with: <td align="center"><?php echo $rank->rank; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $rank->minhours; ?></td> <td align="center"><img src="<?php echo $rank->rankimage; ?>"></td> <td align="center"><?php echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT').$rank->payrate.'/hr'; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $rank->totalpilots; ?></td> <td align="center" width="1%" nowrap> 6. Save and Close "ranks_allranks.tpl". Now when you view all ranks in the admin panel it will show the corresponding image.
  24. PHPVMS User Activation Module =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Author: Daniel Hill Date: 28 May 2009 Version: V1.2 Description: ------------ This module allows pilots to verify their accounts themselves. File Information: ----------------- RegistrationData.class.php - Default file, for use if you have installed previous versions of this module. email_registered.tpl - contents of this file is what is sent in the regisration e-mail. MemAprv/MemAprv.php - this file activates the account and echo's a succesfull validation message with a link to the login file. How to Install: --------------- 1. Copy email_registered.tpl to your current skins folder found here: /lib/skins/YOUR SKIN 2. Copy the entire MemAprv folder to your /core/modules folder. If you have not installed any previous versions of this modules then installation is complete if you Have installed V1.0 or V1.1 continue: 3. copy "RegistrationData.class.php" to your "core/common" folder. NOTE. this will overwrite this file, only accept if the only modification to this file is from a previous installation of this module. All done. Now when a pilot registered they will be sent an e-mail with a link that once clicked will take them to the module, activating their account and giving them a link that redirects to the Login page. Please note this module does not disable the option for Admins to activate a pilots account. Support ------- Support will be provided as and when possible via the thread on the PHPVMS forum (http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=862.0), please be advised i do run my own VA therefor it may take me some time to answer some support requests. Release Notes ------------- V1.0 - First Release V1.1 - Second Release, Fixed a problem with the activation e-mail not including the pilots id, which would results in the activation not working. V1.2 - Third Release, completely recoded the module so there are no longer any manual database querys, all modifications to pilots are done via existing functions, making it 100% compliant with PHPVMS updates. Credits ------- Nabeel - PHPVMS Author, Without the incredible amount of support and patience this module would not exist. Notice: It is advised anyone who has installed V1.0 or V1.1 updates their installation with V1.2 Now Available below, to ensure 100% compliance with PHPVMS updates. Pilot Activation V1.2.zip
  25. How are you getting on with this module now, it sounds great and i am really interested in installing this.
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