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Everything posted by homer09001

  1. I really like this idea, i could see it working, once i get my VA up and running i may consider looking more in depth at this.
  2. ohhhh that one, yeah found that yesterday i thought you ment someone had made a working Joomla Bridge. Don't suppose you know of any Auto Login Bridge do you?
  3. Well done Nige, perfect script. Works fine with latest build of PHPVMS and SMF 2.0
  4. i did do a search before i made this thread i found a number of people tried but correct me if im wrong no one that i read had actually released it?
  5. After looking at the joomla code, i think its going to be too difficult write a bridge with my level of php, so what im thinking of doing is writing a simple PHPVMS -> SMF registration bridge.
  6. my plan is to get Joomla to forward the Registration date on succesfull completion of a user registering to a custom module in PHPVMS which then uses a simple INSERT Query to put it into the database
  7. after looking into the code properly the PHPVMS system creates the salt as so: it MD5 encrypts the current 24 hour time e.g. MD5(19:05:02) gonna take a proper look at the code tomorrow and try and work out how to pass the reg values from joomla
  8. well it looks easy enough to do, the Joomla user table contains almost everything PHPVMS needs, i had to add a surname field to the registration form but other than that there is no other modification to Core Joomla files, im just trying to work out how i can pass the Joomla Registration user registration data to PHPVMS
  9. Ok so no one posted a working Joomla -> PHPVMS bridge so I'm going to have a go writing my own. What I need to know is: does the password Salt have to be set correctly or can I use a default Salt Value? If it unique based on the user registration data how is it created, so I can recreate it in Joomla?
  10. After a quick search I can see that its been looked for by quite a few people but no one seems to have posted a solution, so has anyone succesfully written a bridge that will register a pilot in PHPVMS if they register on the Joomla site? If not I'll have a crack and see what I can come up with.
  11. scrap that last message, i got it working: http://www.dvds.dth-scripts.com/trunk/index.php/FLS_SendFlights
  12. so in theory if i load that module now it will display the values of those config variables? problem being it doesn't?
  13. im in the process of writing a module and i need to read vales from the config file, how do i go about getting them? here is my module so far: <? class FLS_SendFlights extends CodonModule { function Controller() { $dbuser = Config::Get('DBASE_USER'); $dbpass = Config::Get('DBASE_PASS'); $dbname = Config::Get('DBASE_NAME'); $server = Config::Get('DBASE_SERVER'); echo "$dbuser<br>$dbpass<br>$dbname<br>$server"; } } ?>
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