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Everything posted by pouzo

  1. do you want me to send you my css to look at or how can you help me
  2. Hey man same , could you please help me , my site looks like crap on IE if you can please help as i really do appercaite . Thank you website: www.flymapleair.com
  3. Hey guys, My name is Puzant Yacoubian and iam the CEO of Maple Air Virtual Airline. We are an airline based in Ottawa (CYOW). We operate B777-200 , ERJ145XR and A319-100. We are a charter airline that flies within Canada and soon the US. We have around 300 Flights and soon will increase. We are recruiting pilots from anywhere around the world. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. We use FSX only. For more information please visit www.flymapleair.com
  4. what you can do is or do it as an iframe or use ajax. An example is my page http://www.flymapleair.com/index.php/flightDivisions . Check out the tabs. Is that waht you want or no
  5. pouzo


  6. pouzo


    you mean the frontpage.tpl
  7. pouzo


    I know but i dont know how to fix the pilot center, i will try to look at it but my main concern is IE not working good, Is it from the CSS . If i give you the css will you be able to look into the problem. I really need help. Thank you
  8. pouzo


    Hey guys, Can you guys help me check why my website does not lookg good on Internet Explorer. I appreicate if you can help me and find the problem. My website is www.flymapleair.com
  9. I use that , the way you do it is to put all the files the same as your FSX Dir. EX: i have gauges , effects and the airplane files so what i did is that i put all those in a folder , inside the folder i put another folder named Gauges and put all of my gauges inside the folder, i created an Effect folder and put all my effects in it and finally i created a simobject/airplane folder and i put the aircraft file in it. When you compile you choose the whole folder that you created first and it point the installation to your FSX Directory . It should automatically put the files that you wnat to the folders that you pointed. If the file is there will automatically overwrite it . The picture below is the way i did it. If you have any question please ask , willing to help you
  10. Lol nabeel , I LOVE YU MWAN , i tried MainController::Run('booking'); but i forgot to add the index and now its working . Weheee.
  11. how cna i put it on the homepage , as i am pointing as PHP include but it does not give out the airport departure or arrival. Please help. I can see the airports and stuff on the index.php/booking but when i put it as an php include , it does not work. Any ideas will be nice
  12. Go to www.google.com and type in PHP tutorials and html as you need both to create your site.
  13. hey iam getting Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/flymapl1/public_html/core/common/NavData.class.php on line 410 when i am editing the routes and when i add a route and press on View Route i see the error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/flymapl1/public_html/core/common/NavData.class.php on line 410
  14. Nice, is it possible to add the Callsign of the Pilot instead of the name and lastname
  15. I will recommend to try to curve the top as the white is standing out so much an d messing up your background. Thats my thoughts only
  16. Hey nabeel , i dont know how much to thank you . again you did a great job finding the error and it is working perfectly fine now. Again thank you
  17. thank you so so so so much Nabeel your just awsome.
  18. no the Mapleairtest is a new database , started from scratch. I will go ahead and change the html_header but remmeber long time ago you told me it was my header causing and then you found the error in the coding . Please help. Thank you This is my acarsdata.sql http://www.flymapleair.com/phpvms/phpvms_acarsdata.sql
  19. What about http://www.flymapleair.com/mapleairtest and it doesnt work , i dont get it
  20. Hey i tried on the test website but nothing .
  21. still no lUCK:( . Can you tell me which files might be affecting . As i know it is not Acars.tpl and not the js files because i deleted and replaced it , i replaced the header.tpl but no luck. What might be the problem . As it is tracking but not drawing the line .
  22. The line is showing in My route but not the acars. i edited and nothing, yet . I will go ahead and try my test website and see if it works
  23. ok i will try on my beta site and try to fix it .
  24. ok i understand but it was working on the old version and not the new one , i never touched anything on the site since 1 month. What might be the problem, Will all my flights get deleted if i delete the Aircrafts from the DB , as there is old ones that i do not need.
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