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Everything posted by Fredecardoso

  1. Wonderful work man! Very good material! Thanks!!!!!
  2. Hi all, I want to know if there is a way to lock the PIREP page for Guests and pilots, i don't want the Guests and pilots seeing the flight log, only the flight date, aircraft etc... there is a way to do that? Thanks, Fred
  3. Why you no use yours ISP provider SMTP Server or use mine works for me and for you must work to:smtp.netcabo.pt but please don't send SPAM! PS:Your IP will be rejected(i think) but try it out! Regards, Fred
  4. I puted Solved because my problem it's solved, i forgotted yours(sorry). I will be remove that. Regards, Fred
  5. I already chaged that but, some errors aren't there. Thanks, Fred
  6. I give you an exemple: You must be logged in to acess this feature and stuff like that... Thanks, Fred
  7. Hi, How i edit the errors showed on website to my language? Thanks, Fred
  8. Hi, Dont configure AUTH on phpVMS config file, install fake sendmail(for windows only) if you are running in localhost(http://wiki.uniformserver.com/index.php/Installing_Fake_Sendmail_for_Windows) and configure you AUTH setings on sendmail config file only. Only put the email in local.config.php to show on email of recipients. With me the phpVMS and the sendmail are working fine! Sorry, by my bad english! Fred
  9. Can give me the file of the mail system to edit that?
  10. I have a computer with Windows Server 2003, works?
  11. Thanks, but i not have any money to pay a hosting... But, if i install Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin etc manualy, it's probably works? Thanks, Fred
  12. How? With SMTP(i think no)? The database is fine! One more thing, i'm testing the phpVMS in a localhost server(xampp) but i think that should be working well... I want do so a website localy and after put into a server comapany, but i'm tried install phpVMS in a free webhosting company and i cant install there are many errors... Thanks by the answer, Fred
  13. Hi guys! Thanks for creating the phpVMS! But...i have a problem...When i do the password lost and the thing to send the email with password i not receive any email(spam folder too). What i can do??What is the requisites of the "email system"? Sorry, by my bad english but... Good weekend, Fred
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