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Everything posted by Kreu

  1. Brilliant! phpBB is working fine with this code! Thanks!
  2. Website won't even show up! This error is diplayed though: Fatal error: Call to undefined method CodonModule::construct() in /home1/flymelit/public_html/core/modules/ForumRegister/ForumRegister.php on line 7
  3. and how can i correct that? ???
  4. This is what I get upon registering a new account: Confirmation Sent Thanks for registering for Fly Melita, you will be notified via email of your registration status. Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'flymelit'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home1/flymelit/public_html/core/modules/ForumRegister/ForumRegister.php on line 26 Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home1/flymelit/public_html/core/modules/ForumRegister/ForumRegister.php on line 26 Result Select: Access denied for user 'flymelit'@'localhost' (using password: NO) Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home1/flymelit/public_html/core/modules/ForumRegister/ForumRegister.php on line 28 PilotID: Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'flymelit'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home1/flymelit/public_html/core/modules/ForumRegister/ForumRegister.php on line 43 Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home1/flymelit/public_html/core/modules/ForumRegister/ForumRegister.php on line 43 And this is the code I used: <?php class ForumRegister extends CodonModule { public function __construct() { CodonEvent::addListener('ForumRegister'); } public function EventListener($eventinfo) { if($eventinfo[0] == 'registration_complete') { $userinfo = $eventinfo[2]; $fname = $userinfo['firstname']; $lname = $userinfo['lastname']; $pass = $userinfo['password1']; $email = $userinfo['email']; $code = $userinfo['code']; //mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_lang, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ($userr, $pass, '2','1.0', '0','en','0','','d M Y H:i', '1', time())"); $get_uinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots WHERE firstname='".$fname."' AND lastname='".$lname."' AND email='".$email."'"); echo "Result Select: ".mysql_error()."<br>"; $uinfo = mysql_fetch_array( $get_uinfo ); //echo "Uinfo: ".$uinfo['pilotid']; $str = $uinfo['pilotid']; $pilot_id = str_pad ($str,4,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); $pilot_id = $fname.$lname.$code.$pilot_id; $pilot_id_klein = strtolower($pilot_id); //echo "Pass: ".$pass."<br>"; $passMD5 = md5($pass); //echo "Pass MD5: ".$passMD5."<br>"; echo "PilotID: ".$str."<br>"; $tm = time(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_email, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_rank, user_lang, user_colour, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".$pilot_id_klein."', '".$passMD5."', '".$email."', '9','0.0', '0', '2','en','0099FF','1','5BN4938HB2','D M d, Y g:i a', '2', '".$tm."')"); //mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".md5($userinfo['password'])."')"); //echo "Result: ".mysql_error()."<br>"; //print_r($userinfo); } } } ?>
  5. Could anyone be so kind as to paste a fully working phpBB script for the ForumRegsiter module? I tried using the phpBB listed codes but only got a series of errors back...
  6. I'll have the solution posted if I do find the solution.... oh well, hands on then!
  7. Hi, I've been getting a bit of a nuisance on my schedule details page - contrary to the other pages, it seems to ignore the CSS I have specified and rather than staying within the assigned div it shifts to the left dragging everything else with it. I tried fixing the coding from the core/templates but no results whatsoever were obtained. Is there any way I could go around this problem? P.S. Nabeel if you'd like to have a look at it in detail, pls PM me. Thanks
  8. Kreu


    What code?
  9. Kreu


    Ok, I updated to the latest version. However, I'm still not able to see the pictures assigned to awards in the profile(s)
  10. Kreu


    Right, so I deleted the phpvms_test bit which after checking with my database, no such folder existed and that got the update installation working fine. But, the admin glitch still persists. Somehow, the Admin links were removed - I just hope that I can overcome that by manually readdressing the links to the files that they should link to...
  11. Kreu


    I'm getting the following upon running the install/update.zip: There was an error, with the following message: "INSERT command denied to user 'flymelit_keith'@'localhost' for table 'phpvms_settings' (1142)" On the following query: -- Add total hours INSERT INTO `phpvms_test`.`phpvms_settings` (`id` ,`friendlyname` ,`name` , `value` ,`descrip` ,`core`) VALUES (NULL , 'Total VA Hours', 'TOTAL_HOURS', '0', 'Your VA''s Total Hours', '0'); Try running it manually Also, when I go to the Admin Center, upon clicking the previously expandable menu, nothing happens... Seems like they've become dead links after the update....
  12. Kreu


    Hmmm.... that's odd. I downloaded what was stated as the latest release. I'll do my homework on that! In fact I have phpvms.update installed. Isn't that the latest release?
  13. Kreu


    Hi, I got the same issue. I just removed the award altogether as it was looking rather silly. I had issued an award only for those who were present at launch on June 1st. Problem is, the award started appearing all over the place in that both non-present members and even our latest recruits have been getting that award assigned automatically. Was a fix found in the meantime?
  14. Ok, thanks for the heads up
  15. Hi, I just noted that when scheduling flights, a minor glitch manifests itself in that Thursday is shown as R i.e. the weekdays get abbreviated as follows: Monday (M) Tuesday (T), Wednesday (W) Thursday ® Friday (F) Saturday (S) Sunday (Su). I have been browsing through the files and cannot seem to find where the abbreviations are located. Any help as to where I could find that file so I could modify Thursday to start showing up as Th?? Thanks
  16. Ok, it's sorted!!! I reviewed some old posts from Nexiss and cured the coding a bit. I managed to get my way around. Thanks anyway
  17. Ok, I got it running. Just had to refer the javascript's location. However, there's just one detail missing: The dropdowns. Now they are listed in the code but when I view the site, they just don't show up. So I just get the "Titles" but no drop downs show up
  18. Hi I'm having the same problem as Nexiss. I am trying the approach mentioned in the quotes and the result I get is this: http://www.flymelita.com/ The menu should appear like this: http://www.flymelita.com/lib/skins/Melita/smoothmenu.htm As you can see. When put on its own, the menu looks and functions perfectly. However, when I try to implement it in either the core_nav or header files, the results are less pleasing. So far, I achieved the best result by editing the header.tpl. When I tried modifying the core_nav, awful things went on! I did watch the tutorial but I didn't find it much helpful. And it seems that all that is missing is just a working javascript. Again, I do have the javascript coded and implemented but it seems to be failing to work when put into either files. Any help?
  19. No can do, I keep getting access denied when I specify the right criteria. only localhost will do. Is it because of bluehost? My honest opinion, if anything is missing, then it's not out of the upload procedure, but because it was already missing prior to the download. I'd say the problem lies with the specification of the host server. everything except that is working. Does anyone know what the server name for bluehost is? Do I have to put in a URL? Or an IP?
  20. Hi, I got the same problem, same host, same everything!!!! help!
  21. Ok, I changed the server to localhost, got the green light and went ahead completing the setup. However, when I try to proceed to the admin page, I get this error: The requested URL could not be retrieved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While trying to retrieve the URL: http://http.um.edu.mt//www.flymelita.com/admin The following error was encountered: Unable to determine IP address from host name for http.um.edu.mt The dnsserver returned: Name Error: The domain name does not exist. This means that: The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct. Your cache administrator is support@csc.um.edu.mt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generated Wed, 06 May 2009 09:17:04 GMT by proxy.um.edu.mt (squid/2.5.STABLE14) From what I could understand, localhost is litteraly local in that it's not the default PHPVMS location on my website but the very PC I am using. Am I right?
  22. Been there, done that, same access denied error. What about the Server?
  23. Hi, I'm very new to PHP and PHPHVMS in particular. I host my website on bluehost and am encountering a problem with accessing my newly created database. I used to have another php system on my website which someone else designed for me but I decided to opt for PHPVMS because of the opportunities it has to offer. Now, to be honest, the install guide isn't much helpful and after having looked in this forum, all request for help was either answered specific to the host type (which is why I mentioned my host) or was re-directed to the primary guide - but that's the reason why we resort for help to these forums. That aside, I would like to know how I should exactly fill out the installer with the correct type of data. eg.: Database: It's ok, I just copied and pasted the exact name in the installer - I had a new database created for PHPVMS Database Server: By default, it's set to "localhost" - I tried replacing it with "bluehost", but no luck Database Username: Same as Database, I copied and pasted it. Database Password: I input exactly the same password as I specified for the database itself Database Type: Mine is MySQL so I left to the default MYSQL Table Prefix: By default it's phpvms_ should I leave it like so or do I have to change it to correspond with something? Website URL: I specified my website URL in full (http://www.mywebsite.com) I'd appreciate a bit of detailed help! Thanks!
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