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Posts posted by Sava

  1. post-1963-036007500 1319363894_thumb.pngI usually don't check the VA finances but I did that today and I had stuff to see.


    one flight of mine where the fs crashed had a wrong fuel calculation.

    Do you mean FS crashed or or your actual plane crashed?

    If it was the latter then it certainly would have been a big court case and I would have understood why your debt was so high! :lol:

    As stated in the first my FS crashed shortly after vacating the runway.

    Wait - so you're saying one flight disrupted your entire finances?

    Yes indeed. When the FS crashed i tried sending the log (fsAcars)and it did sent it but I today discovered that upon sending it stated:

    Fuel Used 8100000e+ or something like that (-$360.000.000)

    So I deleted the flight, everything is normal again.

  2. post-1963-036007500 1319363894_thumb.pngI usually don't check the VA finances but I did that today and I had stuff to see.

    A picture tells more than a 1000 words.

    How did this happen?

    I have fuel set to 0.36 as I calculated from my visit to the JAT Airways flight operations this year.

    Can someone help me with this?



    one flight of mine where the fs crashed had a wrong fuel calculation.

  3. Hello there fellow VMS users :)

    As I know many of you fly on VATSIM I thought you might be interested in participating in an event my VA (Air Serbia http://airserbia.tk ), SCGvACC, CassubianVA and PL-VACC are organizing!


    Event page: http://www.skysim.net/vaflyinevents/

    October 7th



    With the summer of 2011 behind us, we are enjoying the last warm days and preparing for the winter. We thought, what better way to say goodbye to the summer than an event? And that is why we now present you the BELGRADE VA FLY-IN 2011 EVENT by Air Serbia Virtual, CassubianVA,PL-VACC and SCGvACC.

    Our goal is to have as many VAs as possible fly during the 4 hour time frame and visit Serbia's capital - Belgrade (LYBE).

    During the event, full ATC will be provided and the only thing you have to do is fly and have fun!

    We will keep track on the number of flights/pilots and after the event we will publish the stats so we can see what VA flew the most. We hope that this will give you, the pilots, a motivation to fly as much as you can. (note: Stats will be provided only for VAs that fill out the form on our site)

    The event will be held on October 7th 2011 starting from 1700z and ending at 2100z.

    The departure/arrival field will be Belgrade Nikola Tesla International Airport (LYBE/BEG).

    We hope this sounds interesting to you and that your VA will join!

    If that is the case, please use the form on our site and provide the following details:

    Register your VA and compete!


    VA NAME:


    Departure field:

    Number of pilots expected:

    Thank you very much for your taking the time to read this.


  4. Hello!

    I am having problems moving from free hosting to the new pay one.

    I did it like this.

    Moved all files from the old host to the new public_html/<airline name> directory so I have it like this


    Then I exported the database and imported it into the new empty one I created in the pay hosting.

    Changed the local.config.php to reflect the current settings

    I am now getting a blank page when i try to load the directory.

    can you help?

  5. I started with Joomla and than phpVMS in a different dir and wanted to integrate the two.

    In the end I quit Joomla and left phpVMS.

    Its an amazing piece of software.

    You can try and make a template of the current website or use one of the released templates and edit it to your liking(the best option if u ask me)

    Or you can pay someone to make you a custom tempalte.

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